THE GREMLINS HAD AN EXCITING TIME LAST NIGHT, because I cleaned them out with them still in the tank, pinging this a-way and thatta way. As handful after handful of weewee-ponging woodchips were excavated, secret stashes of seeds suddenly came to light, revealing all manner of exciting scents to the tiny tubbies who rushed up to pack their pouches with this forgotten treasure. The tearaways were so excited - roaring up and down; hiding in tubes. Poking pink noses out. Too excited to wait - scampering back. Packing pouches yet again. Forgetting to empty them out and wondering about looking like oversized furry chicken nuggets. Once I'd thrown out that soiled lot of woodchips that was that for "professional" litter so they're reduced to living on newspaper for the time being. A large picture of Amy Winehouse lies under their wheel. I've always thought Winehouse's old hair looked like a rats' nest. & now it's closer than ever to actually being one.
As for me - I found blackbean sauce reduced to clear 37p a 440ml jar this afternoon. I was so excited I went into near oriental meltdown. OK: slight exaggeration but I did "snap" up five jars. They didn't have boil in bag rice in Iceland so now I've got to relearn to cook it properly not in a bag... Which I don't trust myself to remember ... Surely it's dead simple? Two cups water to one cup rice. Cover. Bring to boil. Turn down. Cook for 10-12 minutes. When it's done all the water should have cooked into the rice .. (?? ~ yeah?) Well if it's a disaster you'll surely know all about it by tomorrow!
I hope the pictures entertain: second one down (with the tubes) ~ the robo on the right looks especially gremlinlike there I'd say... it's really hard to get pictures that capture their precise expressions....
Take care everyone
ta ta!
Great Pictures Gleds. You made me laugh about Amy's hair being a ratsnest!
Have you got a microwave? I cook my rice in there. Just cover the rice in boiling water and cook on high for 10 mins, then drain and rinse in boiling water.
Hi Gled, I am so glad you dropped by my blog so that I could discover yours. Your hamsters are adorable. I'm a rat person myself. Have your hamsters even bit you? That's why I switched from hamsters to ratties. But I must admit - hamsters are much cuter!!
Oh Gledwood! You are one in a million! You are a star you are! Thanks for the tapir! I think they are so cute. Thats really cheered me up!
lost x
my grandfather cleans out the 'cages' from his many many rabbits when they're still in there too. Especially fun with 'Flamish(?) Giants'.
I use basmati rice: around 220 ml water to 100gr of rice. Cook the water, throw in the rice, cover the pan, boil on a small flame for a min or 15.
I just wanted to come by and thank you for visiting my blog. Those little hamsters are the cutest things I've ever seen. What expressive little faces.....
I think Amy will be right at home at the bottom of the hamster cage; D
Cute pics! They would cheer up anyone!
Hi Gleds ~~ Cute pictures of the robos.
Good luck with the rice, I just boilit for about 10minutes on the stove and the water
evaporates, then I rinse it. Good bargain on the Blackbean sauce. Hope you enjoy.
You sound a bit brighter ~ I hope that is so. Keep on keeping on my friend. Regards, Merle.
Love the cute pictures - especially the Tapir ... don't know anything about them but that baby is gorgeous!
Wonderful post! I can picture the gremlins throughout the process. Cute little buggers, ain’t they.
Akelamalu: no microwave... USED to have one but it went defunckt... my only option for rice was boiling in a small saucepan with lid on ...
Barb: they've never bit me properly. Bashful keeps "nearly" sinking teeth in me out of "curiosity" but no I've never been blooddrawingly bitten... (thankfully)
The big sort of "normal" hamsters are more likely to bite than robos... they specially do not like being disturbed in bed. Mine used to gnash teeth and get really upset with ANY daytime disturbance until he'd had 5 mins to wake up
Lost: you're welcome ;->....
Arjan: you're right about it needing slightly more than equal water mine threatened to boil dry within 5 mins... then I added what I thought was a dash more and turned out to be too much... rather inconvenient
Gypsy: they are really cute and really flighty. Spend half their lives delightfully pretending to be "scared" of things. Especially me
Nessa: she would probably stash her drugs there... i saw a vid of her "surreptitiously" removing coke from the back of her ratsnest and snorting it in front of the entire gig. She missed and ended up with a ridiculous white nose which looked stupid!
Zhu: they are very entertaining, aren't they?!?!
Merle: only trouble I had with the rice was that x2 water wasnt quite enough I was told 220mls water to 100mls rice which sounds more doable to me
Bimbimbie: I never knew baby tapirs were stripey while the adults were plain... or maybe it's a vanilla fudge ripple one
SometimesSaintly... o they love something to get all excited about!!! gremlin swines!!
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