I SEEM TO HAVE COME DOWN with the diarrhoeary norovirus that has afflicted around three million people in Britain so far ... no vomiting in my case just the most horrific diarrhoea. I barely had the confidence to step foot outside even this afternoon after a trotting morning of it... whatever could be the cause (apart from the virus that, seriously, has his 1 in 20 in this country so far and is so widespread that doctors' surgeries up and down the country are advising people not to come in with it unless it's extremely severe or has been splurging out for more than a week. Also, unusually, they recommended people quarantine themselves and not try coming into work (how could you? without leaving splattering puddles of "curry sauce" behind you?) ... in their national attempt to stem the diarrhoea's over-eager "flow".
Either that, or it's that dodgy blackbean sauce I got reduced to 37p a jar last night ...
BABBY ITCHY LOOKS JUST LIKE A PORKSHIRE TERRIER this afternoon. Her fur's been all bashed up and licked to sogginess by the other two in their bizarre robo-compulsory-grooming-on-the-youngest ritual.
I sought for them in vain this afternoon. Not in the teabox. Not in any tubes.... I honestly thought they'd escaped. Until I realized all three were packed inside one small Parmesan cheese tube. Probably they'd kidnapped Itchy in there and were using it as their hideout as they groomed her to death....
TALKING ABOUT DEATH I don't feel so very far away from it's hallowed "door" so I had better go before yet more urgent splurging occurs!
Till tomorrow folks -
and good health!!
PS The Thai term for diarrhoea is ท้องเสีย tong siia?- which means literally "the stomach has gone rotten"!
Apostomus: income, then practice virtue
Oh dear, Gledwood, hope by the time you read this your bowels are back to best behaviour again.
I might check the sell-by date on the blackbean sauce jars if I were you!
Actually I DID and they were best before feb 08 and they were just normal sauce jars ie keep refrigerated once open and consume within 3 days... nothing more unusual than that
I did think the sauce was unnecessarily thick but that was surely too much "modified starch"/whatever they call it
certainly nothing SEEMED to be off...
Sorry to hear it. My whole family is also down with some sort of stomach bug.
I like being ill because there is no school then but I hate vomiting. I am kind of afraid of it.
Whitenoise: I hope they all get better soon
Ropi: I hate vomiting when it hurts...
EW. I think it is the same super bug that they are going on about over here. Apparently, there was an Air Canada flight that went out to some European country and by the time it landed a couple of hours later, 7 of the passengers were severely ill (vomiting etc). My BF has his brother and accompanying GF coming in from England at the end of Feb. the better not bring any weird super bug over here to infect me with. Grrrrr.
Suggestion: If you are feeling really ill, go get some ginger ale and heat it up - then drink it. It works, at least it does for me.
Hope you feel better. Happy Wednesday.
did you hear about the cruise ship The Queen Victoria that had 150 passengers come down simultaneously ill with the D&V...
they blamed it on Camilla Parker Bowels, failing to smash the inaugural champagne bottle on the ship's side - that's supposedly nautical bad luck!
Oh poor Gleds. Hope the bug disappears soon. Drink plenty of water and just generally take care of yourself.
thinking of you
all the best
lostgirl x
Sorry to hear of your affliction - thought I was getting it myself the other day, but it cleared up very quickly, thank goodness. Mrs Git is indeed feeling better at last and sends her best wishes.
Good luck with the ailment. Keep a stiff upper lip, tightly clenched buttocks and avoid the temptation to fart at all costs.
I've had the projectile crapping part of it, and being disabled, I't's not fun!!
Hi Gleds,
Sorry to hear that you're ill,hope you'll soon be better.
Oh sorry to hear you've succumbed to the dreaded lurgy Gleds. Hope you'll be off the pot soon. :)
oh poor you - hope it's gone in a day or two *!*
You have my sympathy Gleds I had to take days off work last week, sadly two of those were my days off anyway, how unfair...lol
Hope it clears soon.
Saw the most beautiful chinese dwarf hamsters yesterday when I was doing one of my visits..couldnt help but think of itchy and co.
May pinch that Thai term for my return to work meeting tommorrow and self certificate as stomach gone rotten....I like it :) Auds x
i hope you're feeling better!!
My boys took that to Oz with them. We like to spread the joy!
Lost: I was too afraid to drink any water earlier on less it merely magnify the multiplicitous delugings ooer!
Grumps: no "wind" from me. too risky. guaranteed
JohnG: worst of it SEEMS to have gone. SEEMS...
Angie: I have spent half the day asleeping in beddd....
Akelamalu: thanks. there is no "fun" to it... not like with the common cold's luminous "gunge"/etc
Bimbimbie: I hope it's gone now but I'm not so sure
Audrey: good one. my "toong" still feels a bit "siia?"
(toong=high tone siia?=rising tone like a question)
Cinn: I am a bit. I only hope it lasts!!
Vi Vi: o no! now a million Aussies will go down with it, if it finds fertile "grounds" like Britain's ...
I bet you are passed the wiping stage and onto the patting stage.
I pity your bung hole!
Get well soon!
Hi Gleds ~~ Sorry you have been so sick and hope you are feeling much better by now. Take care, Regards, Merle.
Preposterous: still splurging, I'm afraid!
Merle: still ill in the morning I'm afraid but thanks for the wishes
Hi Gledwood,
I had that Norovirus thing over christmas, I got it off my son and it spead like mad through our family, I was constantly vomiting and felt awful but it soon left me alone, if I had been at work I might have had to take a days sickie, the first I would of had while working here.
One day I was in bed all day and that night I suddenly felt really hungry, Luke (my son) wanted a chinese so I ate one of them.
Of couse I threw most of it up but after I started to feel better.
Hope you soon feel better too
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