I thought I felt a bit better last night. Then a dreaded rumbling, gluttering gurge 'gan to bubble up somewhere ominously deep inside me...
I slept soulfully quiet....
And the diarrhoea made a spiteful repeat attack early this morn!
Curry sauce was spraying out everywhere....
All I've eaten in the past 24 hours was a small portion of MSG-fried rice and some dry handfuls of chocolate wheatie breakfast cereals... I've not dared drink water, though I know I should. As I just thought it might add "thunder" to the "rotting Niagra Falls" of the morning...
Paging down my blog I was astonished at how very much of it is food-inspired. And pictures of hamsters. Frankly all that cuisine's making me feel sick.
In desperation I turned to the works of Shakespeare on my bed of death: I've so far gone through Macbeth and half the sonnets and am shovelling my way through Antony and Cleopatra.
Then, feeling inspired, I attempted to write a poem of my own...
... but it was just a load of crap!
BRITNEY SPEARS: "suicide runs in family" story of tragic gran
TIME TO GO BACK TO BLACK, AMY: Winehouse's hair "looks like pig's bed"
STURGEON GOES ON AND ON: 2 Brit anglers land 10-ft fish
I had some drinks with Laundretta this afternoon in strict contravention of "how to treat diarrhoea" though since this morning's spite it has shown no sign of a splurging return...
... I showed her this story: I fell in love with MARCO, the Brazillian escort my boyfriend booked,... and she was laughing her head off...
Videos of the last 2 days...
Bodysnatch Euphony Just 4u London
Zefirelli Romeo and Juliet (1st sonnet)
VIOLENT GERMAN YOUTH SENT TO SIBERIA! For nine months' "intensive educational experience"... (is this 2008? or 1958..??)
GEORGE MICHAEL TO WRITE OWN MEMOIRS SHOCKER! The "superstar" has signed a deal with HarperCollins worth $7 million US of which $6 million covered "British rights", or, more probably, "those areas of the world traditionally covered by British publishers" which means everywhere in English except the United States... plus, that's right! ~ he's fully intending to pen the entire manuscript himself...
... and then rely on a hard-bitten HarperCollins editor to pull the entire thing into some vaguely publishable shape on the company wordprocessor...
and I nearly forgot this cracker from last Sunday's News of the World:
INSIDE THE DEN OF EVIL: soccer star's dad's drugs and vice shame
with full pictures inside the crackhouse
(must say, the "punters" are far more glam-looking than at the crackhouse I used to visit...)
ps I just found out the average purity of nasty British heroin is 39.9% I find that hard to believe...
Oh, poor Gleds. I hope you feel better today!
I do now (later in the day...) but the same happened yesterday...
hopefully tomorrow morn won't be so bad and then it shall have learned to "bung" itself up...
get better, hot soup and tea may help.
i bloody hope so!!!
very DURRGH indeed!!
Drink water, Gleds! It's important to keep hydrated. So force it down you!
Hope you are feeling better already.
Yeah I have been to Mamallapuram many a time but not recently. The tsunami did hit Mamallapuram and Chennai but the damage was relatively mild. I didn't hear of any of the sculptures being damaged only a resort or two ... I mean if had been bad I would have heard of it.
I stayed at a place right at the beachfront at Mamallapuram for over a week... kept thinking to myself if that tsunami happened only a few years before we'd most definitely have been swept away!
Liz... finally I've realized that Coca-Cola is really nice on an upset stomach (is it partly the "seltzer" effect of the bubbles?)... water a bit harder... but I do love my Coke!!
Hoping you feel better very soon!
The nightmare that is my computer has been a bit sick lately too.... hopefully to be fixed soon. I'm at the library catching up. It's somewhat quiet and you can't bring beverages, so how I miss my cocoa/chai drinks but it's free anyway. ;)
I crave CocaCola... as I said..!
Hey be careful with those sick computers I know 2 people who've sent them away to the repairers... one in England, one in Australia... the English one was away OVER A MONTH! The Australian one a sight longer!! So be very careful!!!
Definitely drink more water to flush it out. Hope you're feeling better soon. x
Hi Gledwood, thanks for stopping by. Good question!!
I must say that everything I will say, is my experience and my interpretation of the traditions in action TODAY. If you ask the same questions tomorrow, I may have learned something, looked at it from another angle and changed my mind on something! Also I do not speak for AA as a whole. GSO in York would give you more of a general take on this.
Ok, heres my take on it...got your coffee?....ready??
"Sober" I am not sure exactly what you mean by this? not obviously drunk/24 hours+ continuous sobriety/had a drink but not noisy/not having mood altering substance inside them?
There are NO RULES that you HAVE to turn up to AA meetings sober full stop. There are no AA rules fullstop.
Most people I see at AA meetings havent drank that day i dont think!, some have though and are welcome. In the spirit of "Tradition 1 Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity". Some groups do ask "noisy drunks" to leave the meetings, and to come back when they are ready to hear the message. Most AA's I know will continue to offer support to that same "still suffering" outside of the meeting. It is said that the "noisy drunk" is not in a position AT THAT MOMENT to hear the message and the group must be protected for the newcomer who is ready THAT DAY. The group must continue to stay strong for the suffering alcoholic to come back to when they are ready to hear the message.
Also most people I know/meet come to AA meetings to pass on and hear the message of recovery, experience, strength and hope... as opposed to a listening to a noisy drunk, we did enough of that in pubs, some of us were the noisy drunk!!
Having said all that not everyone that turns up to an AA meeting having had a drink that day or hour is noisy, and most people I have met, who have had a drink just want to sit and be quiet and not want a big deal made of it. At my home groups we welcome anyone into an AA meeting whether had a drink or not.
I have seen a noisy drunk asked to leave a meeting when they continued to disrupt the meeting, AFTER being asked to be quiet politely. I have seen a fight break out, they didnt come back of their own accord, no-one barred them.
We are dealing with alcohol and alcoholics, lack of Power is massive, compassion is asked for. In the spirit of "Tradition 4 Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole". you may have come across a meeting which has and will ask someone to leave, and thats probably because its the conscience of the group to do that. And Tradition 4 says thats ok.
One could say that its a fine line, to ask a drunk to leave, and not in the spirit of "Tradition 3. The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking" BUT would you ask anyone if they have the desire to stop drinking, before letting them in a meeting? I wouldnt.
So for what its worth, I would only apply tradition 1, regarding the noisy drunk or someone disrupting the meeting fullstop, in asking someone to leave a meeting.
Regarding "everyone" sharing loss of bladder/bowel control. I always suggest to people if they can, try and not judge AA in a few meetings, and to stick with people they come across who seem comfortable and conduct themselves in a way which is appealing. And to stay away from people who dont. I notice you are in London, there are over 700 meetings, if you have a Where To Find meeting directory, try beginner or newcomer meetings and or step meetings... on the whole I find them more reliably message carrying... although I havent tried them all!! All meetings are different, Trad 4, if you keep on going you will eventually find what you are looking for.
I hope that answers your question. I wish you you much peace in your recovery, I haven't been to NA, so I cannot compare sorry. But if you are not sure which fellowship, and would like to try AA again, then give it another go?
Thanks for stopping by, great thought provoker!!
Recovery love
ps I just saw you said "my main prob's drugs so NA has been my main one"
so apologies where I said "if you are not sure which fellowship"
(1) British horse is almost 40% pure? Maybe it's that way in the States, now. I dunno. I think I'd OD if I just stared at 40% heroin too long.
(2) I hope you feel better. Pyles is the shits, so they say. And a pain in the ass, er, arse.
(3) Funny news stories. Thanks.
Oh my .... I do hope you are on the mend now. What a nasty bug to have had. Better take it easy on the spicy foods for a few days and make sure you are getting enough liquids. (I also found Coca Cola settles an upset stomach!)
I hope you feel better soon!
Having the "Hershey squirts" is not fun by any stretch of the means.
hey gled...hope you're on the mend soon.
Speaking of poetry...my friend Jim Dandy has posted some. Thought you might be interested:
As you know, we are going through our own gastrointestinal woes here. Hope yours are over soon. BTW, I read recently that high quality dark chocolate helps reduce diarrhea. Ah, chocolate, there is nothing you cannot do!
hallo and thanks for popping in my side. what a cute, cute little hamster. my son has a russian dwarf hamster. they are just too cute!!!!
I was just about to tell you to drink some Coca-Cola, but I noticed in the comments somewhere that you already knew this. It is rather good for stomach upsets and the cha-chas, it will firm up the stool, keep you hydrated (very important) and help with your electrolyte levels. Ginger Ale is also good if you can't get your hands on Cola.
yes, i'd heard that about coca cola and electrolytes. flat coke is best apparently.
so sorry the lurgies have got you, hope you're feeling properly better soon
Johno: the AA meeting I went to was in London but v small: only about 5 people there plus me... yes everyone said they'd drank so much on occasion they'd become doubly incontinent... which kind of had the effect of making me feel I was "nowhere near enough" of a drunk. if you know what I mean. also i never drank to get drunk, only to achieve a nice coasting level of intoxication. i hate being drunk!!
XDell: some of the figures came from airport seizures; others were from small street seizures. i think this sometimes skews the purity upwards. though i heard Australian white heroin averages 60% on the street!
dire-rear: better now thanks!
Kahshe: I didn't know Coca Cola was SUPPOSED to be good for bad digestion I just thought I was a glutton for badness!
Preposterous: Hershey sqirts... as in Hershey chocolate??... those bars are TINY! (by the way...)
Debs: feelin' better already thanxx! I will go have a look at those pomes...
MPJ: I have never tried the chocolate thing... "shame"... I shall have to wait for "next time" now ... (!!)
Shadow: I had a film of a tame Russian hamster in Japan that fell in love with a cat and the cat thought the hamster was her kitten...
Nicole: does Coca Cola settle electrolytes too... wow!
Lettuce: hey the lurgy's (hopefully, I think) ... GONE!!
Gledwood said...
How come Jesus was son of God and yet when he got baptized by John (Baptist) the spirit of God came down "like a dove" from heaven upon him...?
Micky Said:
Dear Gledwood,
"And the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon Him" (Luke 3:22).
There is the Holy Scripture said, that the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily shape like a dove, not in a dove shape. Everywhere in the Holy Scripture we see only "like a dove", and nowhere "in a dove shape". (Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10, John 1:32).
It is possible to descend in any shape like a dove, but there is in a dove shape is only in a dove shape. And the phrase "like a dove" is meaning, that it is not a dove. For example, " like a human" is meaning, that it is not human.
Hope you're feeling better now. I loved this from the Winehouse article: this blonde barnet she has now looks like a burst sofa.
Ha ha!
Mickey: What I meant was, if Jesus was already Son of God, how could the spirit come down to him AGAIN.. would it not already be IN him from birth?
GuiltyS: HOPEFULLY THAT squirging is all over!!!!!!!
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