I NEARLY GOT RUN OVER BY A PRISON VAN JUST NOW... ok slight exaggeration. It did whizz right in front of my nose tho. I just thought that might be an "arresting" way to commence a post ...
Our house is still all boilered out. I had a wash in a bucket of freezing cold water, just like in Tudor times. Just like every day for the last seemingly six months ... Some tank in the ceiling has sprung a leak. Though it is only drip-dripping through it's filled two entire buckets in about half a day. The plaster's not come down from the ceiling yet (not like last time) so it's not that bad. I'm trying to remember where I was and when the entire ceiling caved in like mushy tea-soaked toast. Ook! It was horrible. It got everywhere! Ukk! Where was that now? Possibly (quite possibly) in my present house. My memory's gone so patchy at times. E.g. I can remember conversations yet cannot recall who with. Which, as you'll imagine, is rather inconvenient...
Laundretta and Matran have been remarkably quiet. People have asked me how/why I put up with them. All I can say is, when they first came on the scene I was in such a state that their objectionable behaviours pretty much went over my head. In one ear; out the other. Whatever. I was gradually emerging from a sitting in the middle of the floor all day and staring into space stage of life and so nothing they did or said could really faze me. As I said yesterday I was well aware of what she'd been saying about me; it was just hearing it with my own ears that offended me so.
I could not sleep properly last night and so wound up sleeping all through much of the day. Then at three o'clock Dr Evilstein, my landlord barged the door in (no lock or catch on my door so it's just swinging open all the time. Has been for months. And people wonder why I don't bother keeping the place nice??!) anyway he said "keep the taps shut" (bc he can't speak proper English: he meant keep 'em turned off.) So I ran a big bucket of water and got up and now I'm saying this....
I don't know what else to say now... my head is full of schemes... I have realized I am too good for this life and have been slumming it for far too long. That's why I don't feel any need to avenge myself on Laundretta for basicaly lying about me (saying I was leaving the most disgusting mess in the bathroom - when I've told her repeatedly who does that). Because I will leave this nasty life behind me. Her and her Ratman will in all probability remain wallowing in it for the rest of their lives. So that's that.
Right I'm off!
See I did update my links as promised.
But they are still not finished. I am just racking my brains for a power ballad of the day...
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
29 minutes ago
Does that mean your landlord is fixing the leak right now? I hope so. And I thought you did have a lock on your door. Or did it break again? I hope you'll sleep better tonight mate :-)
welcome to my blog.
Thank you, i loved your blog too !!!
Hey gled...haven't been around much. Working, trying to beat this heatwave at the pool, etc. And was fidding with Facebook...you should come over there and sign up. Here's the link.
I live in a three story, 2100 sq ft condo. The roof of our entire building had pooled with stagnant, ankle deep water when roofers arrived to replace it. They should've drained the water off before commencing with the work, but didn't. They hit a "soft spot" with a wheelbarrow full of gravel and it was directly overhead my unit. The entire roof full of water emptied into my condo...ran through the walls, ceiling fans, light fixtures, etc. Took out entire ceilings. Still isn't completely fixed, as I fight it out with insurance. Awful. This post touched a nerve - hope your landlord fixes things.
Anyhow...going to catch up on things here. Have missed you while I'm been temporarily absent.
oops, forgot to link you.
Here it is.
Gleds, you're not going to "do anything silly" now, are you? Hop the landlord is sorting things out there. Simi the dog and I are thinking of you here in Sicily if it helps at all. x
Welshcakes: do you mean bc I said "my head is full of schemes.." I meant schemes for the future (ie ambitions). No I'm not wasting my energy on avenging myself on people like those two. They invite calamity on themselves~ I'll never need to get my hands dirty!!
Debs: thankfully the leak is below my room but having just braved the dank dripping dark hallway (no lights in bathroom or toilet, no lights anywhere down the passageway)... it feels like the bucket has overflowed already. The carpet is sopping. When I return I will change it in the dark... you don't need to be able to see to know where to put it back as obviously you can hear it drip drip dripping down on the right place. NB the bucket is only there bc I put it there. Matran and Laundretta who claim to keep the bathroom so clean never bothered. I called him Matran bc it is a spoonerism of Rat-Man. She is Laundretta bc she is outwardly very clean (has to be for her job) ... but the accumulated nasties have ... well: I don't think she's clean on the inside... let's just say that.
Vincent: they came up and turned off the water at one point. The boiler man, who I heard talking on the phone... I get the impression he's v good but v expensive. I don't understand why they can't fix it. But maybe they would rather let everyone have water and just patch up the damage later..(?)
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