HERE'S A "MEME*" QUIZ from a "weekly meme* site" I found in my links ... (I find all manner of exotica there; haven't a clue where some of it came from!!)
But this came from Weekly Meme Quiz Thing (
OK here we go:
I take it this is pastiched from one of those Ian Livingstone "Choose Your Own Adventure" "games" you could buy in paperback around that time...
1. While in a forest, you see a cabin ahead, you_______?:
2. In the cabin you find a large chest, you________?:
3. Suddenly you hear a noise coming from the outside, you________?:
4. The adventure over, you leave the cabin and________?:
1. While in a forest, you see a cabin ahead, you scuttle towards it:
2. In the cabin you find a large chest, you bust it open (of course. What on earth else are you gonna do in a 1980s adventure game?):
3. Suddenly you hear a noise coming from the outside, you dash to the window and discreetly look outside:
4. The adventure over, you leave the cabin and loudly break wind:
Have I done this right? I didn't cheat. I never read down the questions, merely answered one at a time, in order ...
(*does anybody know what precisely a "meme" is??...??)
And their answer to the above is:~~
~* What Is A Meme
(rhymes with "theme") Basically a unit of cultural information that represents a basic idea that can be transferred from one individual to another.
Oh! Now I feel so much the wiser!
Were those answers to drab and boring? Okay here's some more imaginative answers:
1. While in a forest, you see a cabin ahead, you turn back and go home:
2. In the cabin you find a large chest, you wonder how on earth you got in the damn cabin, as you just rode home:
3. Suddenly you hear a noise coming from the outside, you sing the Prisoner Cell Block H theme tune:
4. The adventure over, you leave the cabin and continue wondering how you got inside it when you expressly rode home!!:
~My Dreams ~ Try Using Photos~
1. My dream house is?:
2. My dream car is?:
3. My dream vacation is?:
4. My dream life is?:
Firstly I should admit, I haven't a clue how to install a photo on a blog. Second I feel no need to illustrate my dreams with pictures. I'm fluent enough in words!
1. My dream home: Blenheim Palace. I have no truck whatsoever with people who whinge "aw! that's too big." well keep your own pokey home to yourself. I want a massive house with at least a personal bedroom for every day of the week. And I want formal gardens and extensive mature woodlands all around. Well that's my dream!
2. Chauffer-driven purple stretch limmo with golden windows. Around here they're mostly used for hen parties and are considered shockingly nouveau riche when taken seriously. Still, that's what I want.
3. Myanmar/Burma. Especially those little islands off the coast north of the Thai isle of Phuckit (and aptly named, considering Thailand's reputation, I should think!)
4. Being rich enough to live in a huge estate totally isolated from the world and never having to go outside. I've had enough of this crappo world, I'm sorry. If I had to earn a living I would write emotionally draining bestsellers and if piled end to end all copies sold would stretch to the moon and back several times.
So there you have it. What are your dreams?
I'm not going to tag anyone but please answer!
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
15 minutes ago
1. While in a forest, you see a cabin ahead, you are scared to explore so instead you go to South Korea to be cloned and send in the clone to investigate.
2. In the cabin you find a large chest, you tell the clone to zoom the camera into the contents of the chest where you see a huge stack of papers containing a variety of inane questions, topics, and top five lists.
3. Suddenly you hear a noise coming from the outside, you turn around to see the police helicopter roar overhead and then a SWAT team rapells down into the cabin. Shots fired. Clone dead.
4. The adventure over, you leave the cabin and go to the nearest tv to see the news report, turns out you sent your clone into the vacation cabin of the guy who created "memes"... and he just hates clones.
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