THANKFULLY THE DAY IS NEAR OVER. I once bought a hamster when I was depressed to try and cheer me up. It was a female tubby golden Syrian mesocricetus auratus. I called her Tubbemer. She did not cheer me up. In fact I don't think she ever really liked me. We never got on as well as me and Pandable (who looked just like Tubbemer but was a boy.) Pandable was a wonderhammy. Slept solidly all day. Woke like clockwork at evening time. Got up. Washed ears. Did weez and pooze in corner. (Golden hamsters always use the same corner as toilet. Dwarf ones are more scruffy and just wee and poo anywhere.) Once Pandable was solidly awake he hit the wheel. I had to buy him a special enormous free-standing rat wheel as all hamster-"sized" ones were too small. He could not stretch out and run full-pelt. He used to run this rat wheel literally from dusk until dawn and woe betide you if it got blocked with sawdust or toppled over. He went nuts charging back and forth amongst the tank until you got up and fixed it. I read somewhere that the "average" hamster runs five miles a night. Well Pandable was a superhammy in that case as he did eight miles every night! I know this because we attached a yellow label to one end of the wheel so we could count rpms. These we multiplied, an average distance per minute timesed by the eight hours or whatever it was he spent rambling on this bloody thing. He barely ever got off it. Except sometimes to run a circuit of the tank and swiftly get back on again. Even if you let him out on the floor and put the wheel in the corner of the room, he'd just run straight up to it and take up rambling on that ... bizarre creature. When I took him to my Dad's house in a mouse cage with a smaller hamster wheel he spent the entire week in a foul mood, angrily gnawing at the mouse-bars and doing pooze on the new wheel in protest ... sorry I am rabblitting on and on about hamsters I know I should not. I am so depressed and down and exhausted though. I am planning to stop all drugs all together in the near future and want to cut down the methadone and come off. I know this will make me feel mentally dreadful. But the time has come to feel dreadful without heroin-methadone in the mix. You know that saying by The Verve? The Drugs Don't Work ..? See? They really don't. I don't know. My friend Ivy (from the internet) keeps saying she is going to be an escort. I don't know what to say to her. I just told her be careful of warts and don't let the punters wheedle you into dispensing with a condom ... I don't know what else to say. Everyone in my house hates me because they thought I was leaving. I want to go. But you know the saying "better the devil you know" ... that is really hanging me up. Also I don't want to move too far from this area. I would have to bus down every day to the methadone chemist's for one thing ... what can I do? What shall I do? I don't know. Monday! Bad mood bloody Monday!!
Go to for a bullying story
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
24 minutes ago
A nice blog you got there, added you.
thank you!
Good luck on the total abstinence-
I do hope that you are planning on a measured approach instead of an all-or-nothing kick.
Regardless of the method, I sincerely wish you the best of luck my friend from across the pond.
If you're feeling crap anyway then it must be the right time to stop the the drugs. Good luck Gleds
#1 - I love the hamster stories.
#2 - sorry to hear you're dragging. I haven't been around much so I need to catch up and see what's been happening with you. Just take some time out and follow your heart. That's all you can do. I think things are going to take a wonderful turn for you soon...I just feel it.
Oooh, Gleds. You certainly have the Monday horrors, don't you?
However, this too, shall pass...believe it, it will. But to get through it quicker sometimes it's best just to let it happen, wallow, swear, shout, yell, do whatever but go with it. Of course, unfortunately, it doesn't work all the time, but hey, it still passes.
Hang in there, Gleds. We're all for ya!
aww.. thanks for mentioning me.
in response to your comment I wrote.. well just check back on the last place you commented at. (most recent entry.)
Why are your flatmates upset with you? Did you do something or are they just terrible people..
Hi Gleds ~~ Sorry you are feeling so depressed and I hope you can quit all the drugs, - can't feel much worse
and think how proud you will be.
Your plant sounds great and better than drugs for you. Good luck my friend, Courage. And you might be able to leave that place, where the roof leaks on to your bed. You may get with some nicer folks. Take care,
All the very best, Merle.
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