THIS I AM SCRAWLING ON SPACE ORIGINALLY PRESERVED FOR MEMOIRS - and man! - the other trash that's here; unposted; unscanned that has also found its way in this cheapest of bound volumes. Did you know they even produced "feint" ruled notebooks in Elizabethan times?! It does bemuse me though that WH Smiths actually charge MORE for a 200 or so utterly blank pages between marbled hard covers than for 500 horrible old ones that someone like Danielle Steel has diarrhoea'd all over! I must continually remind myself how great a loss to Literature it would be if I failed to produce this weighty tome of mine.
(I don't think Literature would actually Care, to be quite honest. I don't think Literature gives a toss about anything. Literature, having seen this world's digital tatters, lies fast asleep and is snoring obnoxiously.)
Big Momma Spherical's hiding heist in that tea-box when her most indignant a-wrigglings and a-bigglings and I've seen four of Baby Itchy's lookey-likeys on leashes or leads - yes! - little Porkshire Terriers! And he does look just the same! Due to his wet parting of fur down the middle of his back. I think that comes from being compulsorily groomed by the others...
I got my 1st ever pop CD last week! For 50p. It was Saints and Sinners by The All Saints who, as I once said on my Music blog are the only girl group I like. Their best tracks on this are Pure Shores and Black Coffee. A lot of it is produced by illiam Orbit who did Madonna's Ray of Light album. It is good.
Hey I decided to learn guitar. And I mean to pluck out tunes and play properly not just strum pathetic cords. There is a shop by me that sells 'em in all different colours for £35 brand new each. Is that a good price for an accoustic guitar? And I suppose I am gonna have to get a book to teach me how to actually do it. I shouldn't have trouble tuning the strings as I have that synthesizer and a fairly good ear. But I don't even know what the 6 strings ARE. Or is it 8? That is Spanish guitar. I want the one that sounds like a harp only warmer and pleasanter. And a gerzillion times funkier to look at! THEN I have to learn to SING and won't THAT inflict torment galore on my neighbours ... so far worse than Moonlight Sonata on glockenspiel ever could!
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
30 minutes ago
I tried to teach myself the harmonica a few times! All the cats run for the hills when I play! Did think one time I sound really great, but that was playing to the "Travelling Wilburys" after a bottle of scotch! ;)
Sinead O' with a voice like a bell.
90% Cat.
I'll stick with the recovery blogging, I don't have an ounce of musical talent in my body. I can remember my father playing guitar and singing when I was a wee little boy but it was a talent he didn't pass down.
You always sound so whimsical in your you feel that way in Real Life? i've read danielle steele before..didnt think she was that bad. maybe the fact that she is so prolific stigmazies people against taking her seriously with just one book.
Gled, you have succeeded in doing what is normally almost impossible, you made me feel dirty, i actually enjuyed the making of Venus was pretty interesting.
I think that's a fairly good price for a guitar.
By the way, ever since you started posting the tunes and clips of the day on the blog here, the layout has gone to shits for me. I'm using a Firefox browser and am wondering if anyone else is having the same issue?
You're learning the guitar and the playey-thing - whatsitcalled? keyboard? That's a bit ambitious. A bit like learning Welsh and French at the same time. You'll get confused and start strumming your keyboard or ker-plonking your guitar.
I'm in swansea not cardiff by the way.
Now get on with that autobiography, and call me a snob, but you've got to have nice paper to write on. It makes it more pleasurable.
Lee: Harmonica... when I was about 7 I passed some test "which note is higher, which is lower!?" which qualified me for violin lessons... really i'd have so much rather done piano and i barely ever practised...
you must have heard the violin played by an inexpert child it is literally like hearing a cat strangled
horrible quite horrible
Discovering: Everyone is musical. Just some people don't know it yet.
Ivy: what do you MEAN whimsical?!?! surely if anyone is whimsical in your comment it is DANIELLE STEEL and yes i HAVE tried to read her books they are DREADFUL no rhythm, no psychological penetration of any character, no feeling whatsoever for English prose... i won't bother to go on... just that i heard she had 7 books in a row rejected in her youth and i'm not at all surprised why!
wayward son at said every protagonist of hers comes across the same plotline ie a tragedy, accident, misfortune caused by some negligent, uncaring, enemy, whatever person... bc the heroine is always hardworking, loving, flawless... i think that says a lot about d steel's psychology
Junky: o yeah the making of it is... also the music had quite a strong beat ...
... still i've no idea why my yamaha synth plays it out when you press wrong button/drop it on floor/etc
Nicole: what do you mean??? it taking ages to download the page? only thing that happens to me is i get empty spaces for seemingly 1/2 hour where the screens should be
Liz: a-ha! but i'm not really learning the keyboard... i LOOK AT THE KEYS for one thing... which is meant to be unforgivable... and don't even OWN a guitar yet!
i used to have the same thing about paper... now i've got a bound red-&-black book for writing in... bound is so important... it means solitary pages cannot go WALKIES!!
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