Does anyone remember my confession that I'd "found Madonna's blog"?
Then I had to print a squeamish retraction because I'd plumbed right into the first few posts and it was so obvious a parodying or lampooning blog there was no way Madonna had a hand in it let alone wrote any of it herself...
Well I caused a bit of trouble by suggesting to one of her number one fans that all was not as it seemed in Madonnaland ~ only for an angry, defensive reaction to appear in "Madonna" herself's comments which stated Madonna definitely did write the blog.
What had started off as a blatant pee-pee-taking site had morphed into something that appeared more and more reasonably that it COULD have been Madonna's blog... and to judge by the scores of fawning comments the public at large across 50 countries were also convinced.
Only the subtlest little giveaways remained in the end... Perhaps the greatest being that "Madonna" had read and enjoyed an advance copy of Harry Potter and the Bloodstained Gallows - when we all knew Bloomsbury and Scholastic had gone to such lengths that only THREE people in the world had officially perused the manuscript...
... Also all those little pictures of Madonna's records and books about her were actually adverts from Amazon.com... something I didn't realize at first. As if the real Madonna would stoop to that!
Anyway I don't happen, but I'm sure it wasn't my comment that rocked the boat. Probably a stiff letter from her Madgesty's lawyers ordering that facts be straightened out and the blog closed. For suddenly a confession appeared and the blog plus its announced successor have disappeared into cyber black holes...
... Ho-hum. And aparently newspapers from as far away as Taiwan were clamouring for interviews with the man who convinced the world he was Madonna (and I'm sure it WAS a man... just something to do with the writing... I can't be more precise than that...)
This poor man is reduced now to a cowering wreck, shivering behind a computer somewhere in the wilds of Kansas/Ohio/Nebraska...
As my Dad used to tell me in childhood times, and as the Bible says: "Be sure your sins will find you out!"
Madonna Video of the Day:
Human Nature (I'm Not Sorry)!
Other video of the Day:
"Judderman" - Metz Schnapps commercial ~ this was voted the telly ad "most likely to frighten young children". Have a look and you'll probably see why!
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
20 minutes ago
What've you got here then!
Needs a day to read it all - great stuff!
Keep going...;0)
since these blogger pages r still a mystery to me i will leave my marks right here n hope that it wont be in the way or leaving ugly stains as u try to get them out
i wanted to thank u for stopping by among my somehow intimate bodyparts (now that will have them all wondering) n leaving a much appreciated skin comment for me
u r among the first except for the walking man who introduced me to this blogalog star in space
since my home star is a different space place where i know each corner n each coffeeshop in my hood
have a proper link to there on my blog
aaaw this seams like an advertisement but wasnt meant to be
was meant to be a big thanx n welcome back whenever u feel like rolling around in bodyparts
im all yours
Scroblene: you've been!!
Be: I promise to come peruse the "parts" presently ...
In Literature last week we had to list as many male and female authors we could. Someone said Jeffrey Archer and the tutor said "No I mean PROPER authors!"...:o)
Hahaha :D. It's funny how people pretend to be others on the internet. Maybe I should try that out, too.
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