I WAS GOING to do a big review of the papers but frankly there's so little news except for the Portuguese keystone cops having bungled the investigation over missing (now presumed dead) British 4-year old Madeleine McCann so totally they've taken the line of last resistance and actually accused the parents of allegedly having drugged the kid with sedatives (because the child had troubles sleeping) and somehow accidentally overdosed her. (How very implausible: who gives a 4 year old sleeping pills?) And somehow this drug overdose left blood specks in the McCanns' hire car 25 days later....
In other words they hid the body, alerted the world's media, returned to Portugual over three weeks later in the full glare of all this to collect the child's body from whatever hiding place and transfer it somewhere else... I mean what planet are these guys living on?
The second story, from the News of the World is so misogynistic I honestly couldn't believe I was reading it in 2007. Click here for a gander.
Thirdly - wasp flavoured crisps are a big hit in Japan these days. Each packet contains a guaranteed minimum of four of the fried insects. Yum-yum.
And how was YOUR day??
Mika: You are Beautiful
Nick Cave/Kylie: Where the Wild Roses Grow
As you may have noticed my poll has been updated... if you voted before, please vote again. There are now four questions covering each conceivable eventuality... Many thanks...
Ivy asked me about the top news story: the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
Here is my answer:
you mean the little kid? her family were on holiday in portugual, they had 3 children, madeleine age 4 and twins aged 2. they went out to a tapas bar about 8.30 one night, this was 75 YARDS from their apartment... left the children sleeping... when they returned the twins were sleeping sound but Madeleine WAS NOT THERE... massive international publicity, even the Pope got involved... you may have seen little posters or pictures on people's blogs about it... her photo is everywhere... also she has a distinctive eye, one of the pupils appears to be teardrop shaped... anyway the portuguese police were crap and gave whoever DID do it DAYS to get away before the investigation kicked in... that part of portugual is really near the spanish border and it would have been dead easy to take the little girl from their either to Morocco by ferry (from Algeceiras) or to drive up into france and to who knows where... the evidence against the parents is basically NONEXISTENT but the police are embarrassed at being held up to the standards of the civilized world and they can't take the pressure. that's how I see it anyhow....
You can read today's News of the World on Madeleine by clicking here
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
19 minutes ago
curious about the first story..want to know more
you mean the little kid? her family were on holiday in portugual, they had 3 children, madeleine age 4 and twins aged 2. they went out to a tapas bar about 8.30 one night, this was 75 YARDS from their apartment... left the children sleeping... when they returned the twins were sleeping sound but Madeleine WAS NOT THERE... massive international publicity, even the Pope got involved... you may have seen little posters or pictures on people's blogs about it... her photo is everywhere... also she has a distinctive eye, one of the pupils appears to be teardrop shaped... anyway the portuguese police were crap and gave whoever DID do it DAYS to get away before the investigation kicked in... that part of portugual is really near the spanish border and it would have been dead easy to take the little girl from their either to Morocco by ferry (from Algeceiras) or to drive up into france and to who knows where... the evidence against the parents is basically NONEXISTENT but the police are embarrassed at being held up to the standards of the civilized world and they can't take the pressure. that's how I see it anyhow....
To answer your question about guitars......I would say INDEED get one at that price. Here in America they run about $125 and up. So, I would definitely buy one...they're easy to learn to play. As to how to pick a good one...all I can say is hold one [many that is] in your arms as if you're playing it, and strum the keys...you'll see the sound and style you like best.
Thanks for the visit. Glad you liked my profile. *giggles*
ok.... i thought that sounded quite cheap... also they're in funky colours like pink or black with blue clouds on etc etc... which makes me half suspicious they're not that good but also think they look brilliant!
as you say i'm just going to have to pick one up and listen!!
I'm only 70% American...i can't believe the MCCanns killed Maddie either!
My Sunday was good, thanks, but without the wasp flavoured whatevers, please.
Yep that Madeleine McCann investigation was/is a total farce by the police...so now it's the parents. Putting those poor people through hell just to cover their own mistakes...typical!
I think that whole Madeleine thing is sad, depressing and generally pathetic all around.
Hi Gleds, Sorry i haven't been around awhile. I have been involved in my class. How people go to school full time and work and recover is beyond me. Things are going quite well for me anyway.
The Abraham-Hicks organization has PLENTY of less expensive self help books but that's not so important. i like what I can cull for free on youtube and their web site. the really interesting books to read are the ones by Jane Roberts who they credit with sparking their interest and association with the whole speaking through a medium thing. It could all be a scam but a harmless one if people do not invest too heavily in thier stuff. It also can be very enlightening and all of it is interesting.
I don't know if you have seen this but i thought you would like it. It's a Novelty AND a music video clip.
I will read on to see how you have been doing.
... the Madeline story is so sad. Any way one looks at it no matter who may be at fault. I don't think that the fickle press brings any thing good to the situation.
Good Lord. An average American. One should not even joke about such things! LOL
CG: here here! Hey I thought you were American.. then I thought you were British (bc of your profile... where did the American idea come from?? I only picked it up by your seeming body language on your portrait shots...
PiB: yes I totally agree... AND I talk as one who DID suspect the McCanns briefly... I don't see any even halfbaked evidence against them
DorkyDad: I agree wholeheartedly
Wayward: I didn't realize where those antidepression things come from... but they ring bells with thigns I learnt...
Re Madeleine, the press were supposed to be helping... the British press are 90% IF NOT MORE on the McCann's side.. .which is unusual.. obviuosly they heare things they cannot for legal reasons repeat... you can get a fairly good grasp of how things are going and what you might think if you WERE fully informed by reading between their lines and I've seen nothing that even briefly makes me seriously think they might have done anything untoward...
I will see that youtube thing in a sec... hang on...!
... hey I'm 80% average bc I live nr McDonalds (2 mins away actually!) but NOT aparently... because (??) I would not pay (??) to go up in space (??)
how odd!
Finally I am home and back visiting in Blogland. It took me a while to catch up ~ you have been busy!!
We are just getting all the newscasts on the McCann family here now. It does seem very odd as it is being reported. How awful for the parents/family to be put through this.
Hi Kahshe
Glad you had a good time...
re the McCanns how RIDICULOUS I know
Sadly what Gerry Mcann didnt want with all the media attention, was to turn it into the Kate and Gerry show and thats what appears to be happening now, the focus moving away from finding her..I was shocked by the figures on child abduction..its just too sad.
I cant begin to imagine what it was like for them to leave Portugal under such circumstances and without their daughter.
yes I know that is ridiculous... i bet the portuguese police WILL charge them; if they do it just shows so obviously how they have FAILED to do their job and are reduced to casting aspertions at the innocent...
i read one stupid comment re the McCann's "I'd have been bawling my eyes out if it had happened to MY little girl"
well they don't have to do that in public, DUH!
I bet that comment came from an American... have you noticed how American films assume in emergencies people will SCREAM when they don't and that people upset will always WEEP when actually they don't, not in the way it's so often portrayed in the movies
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