THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T POST YESTERDAY: because I was too mentally frazzled after this interminable (is that a real word?) drugs clinic interview. I missed my appointment last week and yet my prescription went on so I didn't HAVE to come back until yesterday and when I did it felt like a year's worth of catching-up was to be done... Filling out forms about self-care, happiness ratings, what food I eat even. She also remarked on how I'd given up my teadrinking non(alcohol)drinking ruse. Though I have taken to diluting lemonade into the cyder which makes it taste less scummy as much as anything. (Stuff I drink comes in 59p cans 500ml 7.5%ABV which is basically the cheapest alcohol you can get in this country on a pennies per mls alcohol basis so...)
I still might get my place in pensioners' sheltered accommodation. I hope I'm allowed hamsters in there, else I will only smuggle them in.
It's quite extraordinary but they are slowly becoming tame. From the early days when they fled for cover if they so much as heard the door opening. Or I dared speak to them. Or go anywhere near them. They now allow me to put my hands in there and might sniff them. Bashful, who is now ill-named keeps trying to bite my fingers if I put them in front. But I can stroke her back which has her trying to turn round in spiral-fashion... I think she considers this to be some sort of hamster grooming by an almighty pink foreign object with probably 10,000 aromas emanating from under the nails. Spherical goes nuts if I try to touch her but is more interested in dashing about in blind panick than actually escaping my touch as sometimes in this fury she actually runs up to and past my evil alien hands. Poor cow.
They were awfully funny the other day when I accidentally dropped a chicken bone on their heads. Instantly they fled to 3 different toilet tubes. Precisely 3 seconds elapsed and the three pink noses emerged in unison from their discreet hiding places. Another three seconds and, none seeing the others' actions so far as I could discern all three decided it was safe to leave said tubes and went about their daily pinging as if nothing untoward had happened....
Then they took to nibbling gristle off the bones - cannabalistic swines that they are! Hamsters DO eat meat. It's just stupid people who cause them problems like the man who took a hamster into Rolf's Animal Hospital (tv programme) with inch long scarily overgrown teeth... poor mite couldn't close its mouth anymore. "What do you feed it on?" asked the vet. And the fat redfaced alcoholic-looking man smirked and said "'E eats full English breakfast just like I do. 'E loves 'is fried eggs and sausages of a morning." How vulgar. Rodents will eat anything (as anyone who's had housemice eat their candles can vouch) but I'm surprised that man's survived at all... Chinese hamsters aparently like LIVE INSECTS and recommended me to buy live locusts for him. (Oh the fun I could have letting them free in the bathroom!!)
I found an hilarious video. It's only a 3-year old boy talking, but he's so funny. I purloined it from Raymi the Minx's blog she said it's her voice talking to him. Have a look it's so funny (click here) if you're reading this after today.
My other video today is Dido - White Flag
And yesterday Gospel Medley
and Diane Sawyer interviewing Whitney, Bobby and their kid. Which is old news really as it came out in 2002...
Blog of the day
South American Journey:
Text is in Spanish but the Amazonian tribespeople photos are intriguing...
The good, the bad, and the hot
Grim start to this year's Six Nations' Championship (Pencampwriaeth Chwe
Gwlad) for Wales. Up against an on-form France in Paris.
It was a late kick-off ...
15 hours ago
hi just pop by to see how are you doing. well, the meeting at the drug clinic was great, isn't it? hope you wil do better the next round! take care and God bless. :)
great, though?
tiring, but!
The Webb amendment said that the soliders of the US should have as much time at home as they spent in the war, before being sent back into the war. If they have been in Iraq 15 months they would have gotten to have 15 months at home before being sent back again.
It was blocked by the Republicans. So while they say they "support the troops" they have shown they do not support the health and welfare of the troops.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your furry little friends
i will
at first i thought you were talking about some sort of internet amendment...
then i noted the capital W, double B
I`m in Canada Gled. Maybe they do have veampire bats in America, not sure... but not in Canada thankfully. And I will go and have a look at Ruth`s blog :)
Get back to drinking tea, it's much better for you than cider and lemonade. I didn't realise that hamsters will eat meat but thinking about it I suppose it's logical.
Hi, Gledwood!
My parrot loves to eat the little bones from chicken wings. I think what he likes doing is cracking the bones. He picks at the marrow then.
We had hamsters when the kids were little - that whole habitrail thing. Little rascals always managed to escape. I had better luck with a white rat. Loved that little guy! Drove my husband nuts. He hated vermin of all types and wasn't real crazy about the hamsters but tolerated them because of the kids.
I'd rather be with animals than a lot of the people I've met...
I love it when you drop in to visit! It lets me know you're doing okay.
Hope everything works out for you and you get what you want!
Margaritas: duh why did I think you were American?!?
Akelamalu: WHERE does that name come from btw? It made me think you were a native Hawaiian tribeswoman for many weeks... but anyway meat/hamsters. Oh yes, just not too much
Gracie: I've got a Habitrail cage with interior spiral staircase and revolving 3D wheel thing atop... they are NOT well designed and come open far too easily I agree. My Campbells escaped forever and I don't know if I would risk trying to reconstruct it for my robbies I cannot risk them escaping they're so tiny how would I ever get 'em back..?
The next time I find a locust on the balcony I'll send it over to you, Gleds! Your hamsters do sound funny and I'm glad you're determined to hold on to them. Hope you're having a better day today.
hold on to them?! i most certainly shall. even if they have to hide in icecream tubs in my new house!
(if ever i GET a new house..!!)
I really hope you get the other accommodation! You need better living conditions.
thanks I most certainly do!!
Fingers crossed for the housing situation - I've put a link to the little mouse you asked about - they are called Antechinus *!*
Long drug clinic appointment sounds awful.
I hope u do good.
Bimbimbie:... I have an appointment coming up with just me and 3 other people from 2 agencies ... so that should hopefully sort SOMETHING out!
Calista... I hope so too... I will try and get back to you but that is a difficult question to answer: what type of comments do I want... just whatever type you wanna give!!
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