1. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL who took part in the Sponsored Comments. Ruth has made 107 at the time of writing and so asked me to say she DOESN'T NEED ANY MORE. The £50 is winging its way to charity...
2. My doctor's appointment is now rescheduled for Friday so I can forget it then... (See the post below.)
3. Does anyone know how I get my photo identity on my comments? I've found a picture I like on the internet but blogger ask me for a "photo url" what on earth does that mean??
4. Am I supposed to post something grisly like last week, or dull like I normally do here? All I did today was miss my appointment and hibernate. I didn't want to go out anyway and was so put-out when I realized what I had done (see below). I did write a huge posting on neurotransmitters (why??) but that's on paper. I have a project up my sleeve that is fermenting (but no it is not home-made wine...)
5. OK that's me done for today. I quite like Tuesdays. EastEnders is on as I speak and I do not miss it anymore. It is quite nice not to feel attached to things either. EastEnders is the one TV prog I used to be well aware if I misssed, and I'm hardly alone in that. Try and score drugs while it is on if you don't believe me. I guarantee they will not be delivered until after the closing creds have rolled!!!
6. Righty-ho I'm off to get cod-in-parsley-sauce and grating cheese...
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
14 hours ago
you have the ability to edit your profile out here. in the profile area is a place where one can place a photograph. I don't recall the size, but you can find that info in "blogger help" .
re: photo url... maybe they wanted to see a specific photograph you had taken? If this is the case then each post we place out here has it's own page- outside of the "main" blog page one comes to. You need to select this feature in the blogger preferences.. what I mean is, select the feature that enables each one of your posts to have its own separate page to display on. Does that make sense?
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the visit and comments. I hope you will visit again sometime. Did you blog hop from Raymi to her mom, then me? Just curious.
bye for now.
U guessed it:
From Raymi
Sadly, I can't answer your question about the picture, I had a friend do it for me!
But I'm glad you storpped by my blog!
(It must have been Lone Grey Squirrel from whence you came! He's great!)
Yeah I put him on my linxx
First you need to sign up for a free site that hosts photos like, photobucket.com, shutterfly.com or any other similar site.
Once you have your picture save there, then you can come back to blogger, login, go to "Profile" and add the url for the picture from the other site.
Blogger didn't have to make this so difficult, but you'll notice that they have an offer to sign up with some other company to post your profile pic. So they probably get paid each time a blogger signs up with that free service they suggested.
Hope it works out for you.
...hey...glad you enjoyed the blog...not sure on rush limbaugh?...he's a far-right wing radio show host, infamous for racist remarks and the undying loyalty of the conservative politicos here in america...i guess in the UK he'd be pete doherty, famous for no other reason than being an utter wank, lol...
Hi Gleds; proxima has it spot on. I use photobucket for things that I need urls for. Of course you'll need to save the photo to a folder on your computer in order to get it onto photobucket I think.
You're right! Your blog is quite different from mine!lol! That is the wonderful thing about the blogoshpere, a little bit of everything in every shape and size imaginable. Thanks for leaving a comment on my jnl. Your has a great comfortable feel to it! Join the group called "the best blog of all time"! It is a great idea with a lot of terrific people participating.
Thanks a ton doll face, I rather like your diary blog you've got here. I tried that and well...I don't keep diaries very loyally, I get off hand- which is why I use my blog for the most random of things. I hope you do keep reading, and I'll be sure to check in on you as well. =]
thanks for coming by and linking with my humble site. You're right about how different our sites are, but yours is clearly more honest and real. I am pleased to make your acquaintance and am sorry you are suffering from this addiction.
Regards your question on photo url, Proxima, is absolutely correct. Cheers.
Thanks for comments and the blog link :D It's always great to hear someone enjoyed my writing, besides just me writing for myself.
Again, chiming in that Proxima is correct about the photo. You have to have an image hosted on the web first, and submit that url to Blogger. Blogger will display the image, but does not directly host it. Paradoxically, they will save post images in their blog database...
The Blogger ID photo is easy. Every photo on the internet has a URL, the path to the place it's stored. Every photo I upload for example has a URL. For example the first photo from yesterday is to be seen on my blog, but if you click on it, it comes up on a page by itself. That page has the address (URL):
It's a bit long, but that's okay.
The easiest way for you to get a photo up is to save the photo you like to your computer desktop and then upload it to a post on your blog.
Once you've posted the photo on your blog, click on it and it will come up in a window on its own. Copy the URL that shows up and that's the "Photo URL" that blogger is talking about.
If you have your own server space you can upload the photo to there and then use that address. Or if you have a Flicker account or Yahoo Photos or something like that. Pictures can be uploaded there and then you give Blogger the path (URL) where the picture is stored.
I think posting it to your blog in a post, clicking on it to open in a seperate window, and copying the URL from there is the easiest.
Hope this helps!
OK, I'll stick some Hebrew on Ruth's blog... but she must translate it!
It's good you stop by from time to time -- I myself I'm pretty busy travelling, working, travelling for work, working for ravelling. But I relax oin the evening by reading a good book and/or writing some imbecilic piece on one of my multilingual blogs.
Ciao Gled, and keep the aspidistra flying!
aka ~Kinkazzo
aka -your friend
ooops, too late then for Ruth's...
le׳hitra׳ot (bye!)
Our blogs aren't that different. We both write down our thoughts and the small events in our everyday lives. I like your blog.
You're so lucky to live in London! =| I only visited it once... but I hope to go there many times in the future.
It is a small world... we have Dan and Jomiel in common.
Yes I feel privileged to live in London because at the time I moved there it was THEE place to be in the entire world for what I was into which was an alternative clubby hippy trancey ecstasy chai-flavoured pixie partiness ... the vibe was there and I was there ... I felt privileged to live my moments with Australians many of whom were on a 2-year working holiday visa and had to make that time a nonstop celebration so it was pretty intense. Paris, New York, Berlin also tempt me but in my present condition I'm not going anywhere ...
Hey, will try to explain tomorrow night, have one glass of wine too many now and it is late here in South Africa, but it is actually quite easy to do it- just have to get all my brain cells working together.
You do not even have to make use of other photo websites, good old blogger can host your pic and there you are, for all to see.
Be good
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