I RACKED MY BRAINS today for something "thoughtful" to say.
Had my topic. Tore off a bit of old fish-&-chip paper, got a betting shop pen, sat on corner of bed to write it out "properly" ... felt utterly stumped, like I haven't done since school days and a drab essay title.
So I lay down on said bed and slept all afternoon. I still have that midwinter feeling. Hibernation.
My only vaguely meaningful activity of today has been a spot of blog-surfing this morning. It was that, and logging on to my own, facing the blue and having nothing to say that inspired me to that attempt with pen and paper. I don't think the days are far away when a vast tranche of the population simply won't be able to write without the fluidity of wordprocessing. Academic examiners are already noticing this problem developing in schools.
And now I'm getting it myself.
(Or maybe I'm just tired & uninspired.)
Okay-doke, folks.
See you all tomorrow!
PS Thanks for all the "hyperlink" advice (that's what it's called, isn't it?) I shall brave my way with it tomorrow ...
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
14 hours ago
Here I am Maqira. Thanks for your invitation. I am portuguese and my english is not as yours. What is happening with you happens with me as well. I think and think to write something but nothing comes to my mind. I would like to know something about you. Where are you from, and so on...
Hi Maqira I love your poem, (& the picture as well) thanks for dropping by. You should write more stuff like that.
In answer to your question I'm 34, M, from London, UK... not doing anything constructive with my life ... (except blogging) ...
I think you're right on the writing/word processing thing. Use it or you lose it applies.
I wish I could go into hibernation right about now. That midwinter feeling is starting to fade with the sunshine here (although it's still really cold) and now I'm in the spring cleaning stage.
Have a great day Gleds.
Wow you can feel spring ALREADY-?? It's still getting dark at about just before 5pm here ... that is a bit early for me ...
I wanna get a Mammas & the Pappas CD, folks. Just thought I'd share that little "snippet" ...
(Well, I didn't have much else to post today ) ...
Hi GW Thanks for the link to Faiths. Re your answer to Maqira...what about your poetry...are you transferring it to blogger? I want to read more!!!!
Sleep well
Yes I am... slowly... THINKING (admittedly) rather than presently ... DOING ... it... have to open another blog ...(takes 2 minutes, I know) yes I'm on to it. Gradually.
I gave Maqira your url because I thought she might like your blog.
I would not bother to write if I could not have a thesaurus, spell check and dictionary at my fingertips. Is that so bad? No it is not. Of course the disparities that occur between reading what I write and conversing in person are shocking.
It's also not such a bad thing to take a day off from life here and there. Even our souls deserve a holiday given what nasty task masters we tend to be.
hi there.. thanks for dropin by my site.. hmmm. Hibernation huh, i hope i can do that too...
jus that no time for that.. not even to die... hahaha.
all the best ya... happy weekends
I confess, I use the autocorrection all the time. My English, my Dutch, all my languages would otherwise be filled with typos or wrong spellings and stuff. I'm sure that in a couple of years, nobody will be able to write without a computer. I mean that, writing on a piece of paper will become hard and a slow, very slow process. Just to give you a test, don't write anything on paper for a month and only type stuff. You'll see that after that month, your writing will have slowed down tremendously and you'll have a very posed writing.
Manic, yes you are probably right ... I don't know that I want to try that, I can see the consequences already, just as you say ...
Cats-n-Dogs aren't you going to post some more? You are really entertaining ..!..
Who was the guy during your band practice who pretended to flush himself down the toilet ..?..
When I come to Malaysia I want to see your band if they're anything like as entertaining in the flesh.
STOP PRESS BIRD FLU HAS ARRIVED in this country WELL & TRULY. 500 turkies (or chickens but he's most famous for turkies) an entire shed-load, according to BBC news DIED OF IT at Bernard Matthews' (famous turkey producer) farm in Norfolk. I KNEW it was going to kick off in this country. I KNEW IT ...
hahaha... he's one of my close fren. Simon aka Sexy Turtle..
don ask me why or how sexy.. guess like u have to find out urself if u do drop by malaysia :P
hey gled.. thanks for putting in ur 'best blog'.. but don give too high expectation on me yaa...:P
will try my best...
only when the feels come.. :P
Bird flu has been something I've been following pretty closely for the last year and a half. It is worrisome that it's showing up in European countries, but you need to reming yourself that, at least as far as we know, it hasn't made the mutations that would make it easily spread among humans.. it might never.. The only thing you can do is prepare for the worst and pray to God that it never happens...
Sorry, doesn't really fit with the other comments, but I didn't see a better place to stick this....
Have you ever hooked up with N.A. (that's Narcotics Anonymous)? I have some experience with these people and strongly suggest that you make contact
Exactly -- PRAY TO GOD!! -- i just read in the Sun (side column, front page, not main headline, coz it got overblown about a year ago then nothing "seemed" to happen) that it's 1000 BIRDS DEAD DIRECTLY FROM THE FLU not birds culled. Not birds that had the flu that got euthanized. They all DIED FROM IT. If that really is true we're FUCKED.
o & ps I have gone to na they're very rigorous I know ... but THEIR SYSTEM WORKS as long as you don't pick & choose what you do/don't want to do ... I even got a sponsor at one point, but the moment had gone,...maybe I should post about this ...
I heard... I'm going to go check some things out... I'll let you know what I can find... in the meantime, you and Ruth hang tight.
Seems reports are confirming that it is H5N1, HOWEVER at this point, while capable of harming humans, it is only highly contagious in birds... The best thing to do would be to start making preparations to self-quarantine if it should go through mutations that cause it to be contagious in humans... everything and anything you'd need to live on for at least 1 1/2 to 3 months if possible... the best way to combat the panic is to take charge... feel like you're taking control...
The next things would be to avoid any and all contact with bird droppings. Leave your shoes outside the door... or clean the soles with bleach... Also, if you eat turkey, make sure you wash thoroughly and cook the turkey thoroughly... High temps kill the virus. The people who died in Asia weren't practising good hygeine ( lack of running water and the like) or they were becoming exposed through the body fluids while at cock-fights, or in the live bird market.
I hope this helps...
be calm my friend. things tend to get a little overreacted to and sometimes the stuff printed is completely overblown...it sells papers, right.
Just listen to wotv - there's some good reasoning there. And know our fingers are crossed...keep us posted, o.k.?
Oops, almost forgot... in studies done on the 1918 Spanish Flu... those taking Cod Liver Oil had a much higher survival rate... the thinking is that the fish oil acted as a potent anti-inflammatory. Also important to find some vitamin D and C... both of these have also been shown to be effective... lots of research out now on vitamin D demonstrating miraculous powers... garlic and onions also have potent anti-bacterial and viral properties... I know this is probably more info than you wanted... BF has been a fear of mine as well, especially since I'm home alone much of the time with my two young girls... the only way I could deal with it was by lots, LOTS of research...
you're all in my prayers...
Your words about my poem were so kind, and put me so happy that I feel obliged to thank you with all my heart. It was my first poem, believe me. Never thougt that someone in this world would see it.I also visited Ruth's blog and, in fact, you were rigt. It's a marvellous blog full of colour capable to feed our soul, as it needs to be fed with nice things. I intend to visit it very often. As I could understand you are a poet so,plase create a new blog and let me know the URL, despite your english is a little difficult for me to understnad it.I need the dictionary in my lapall te time
Hugs for you and Ruth
Thanks for putting me in touch with maqira....I really wish I could understand all her posts...the Babel Fish thing tries but a lot of the meaning gets lost in its computerised translation.
Maqira & Ruth I'm so glad yous 2 hooked up I knew you'd get on ... Maqira I had a poetry blog on tripod but it's too slow to use so I'm transferring it to a blogspot one ... I'll keep you posted ...
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