Hi I had a yummy dinner. Watched all manner of sea-slug type jellyfish critters illuminating under the sea (wildlife sunday on UKTV history) ... Mother H has seen each programme twice today at least as it goes round on a loop, ended up with Ski Sunday in Sweden (I find that show so incredibly dull, reminds me of my teenage years ...) our friend Rebsie (Rebecca) came round who is on an internet/computers/adult ed course. She says she's going to "email" me "something from wikipedia" just to prove she can do it (which would be quite something from Rebs bc two years ago she was drinking so much (not to mention heroin) she was literally dissolving her insides (& alcohol is a solvent: see what it does to ballpoint pen ink ...) now she says she's had enough of that life and is dead set on getting a job (which, to her credit, she has actually had before, unlike so many other junkies) ... and the lady is close on 50. So all respect to her.
Having said that I wasn't in the mood for other people's jokes and stories about so-n-so doing this and other person saying that so I made my excuses in the best tradition of News of the World journalists, and left. It was freezing cold.
Went home. Barely any of that methadone is left so I'm going real easy on it ... had horrific diarrhoea this afternoon (yes like y'all wanted to know that) ... only a scabbed together shot of grotesque seconds made me better ... erm ... I'm going to go now before I totally gross everyone out. Not much else to say anyhow ...
Tomrorrow is another day... (Why am I falling into cliches territory?..)
PS Bonnie Tyler was on the radio: Total Eclipse of the Heart. I can't usually stand that Meatloaf kind of music, but that one I really like. And she's so fun-ny, as she'd pronounce in her overwhelming Welsh accent .... okay till L8R...
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
14 hours ago
Hello! Your comment on my blog made me laugh because of that retarded picture I took. I do love to hear from people who are cruising past the blog. I'm always very interested in how other people live and what they do.
I was reading your profile and you know, one of my best friends in Frankfurt has been addicted since we were at school and he's currently still on a very good programme that the city of Frankfurt provides.
This has meant that he could stop stealing and prostituting himself and kept his apartment and found work and a girlfriend and granted, you're still addicted to something... in fact I don't think it's even methadone anymore, I think they just give them daily doses of clean H. so they know what they're getting. It's so much better than being out on the streets.
I'm not sure if London has anything like that. Most places are unsympathetic.
I remember Bonnie Tyler!
It's cold here today, rainy and ugly and cold...which is why I've planted my ass right here with a hot cup of coffee and a blankie. For now, anyhow.
Glad you've eaten well... think you're getting "ageist"....first you tell Maqira to visit me cos "she's more your age"....now you're surprised someone "close on 50" can handle a computer course !!!!!!
Think I'd better get my flannelette nightie on, stick on my hairnet and hobble to bed and rest my poor 54 year old bones......LOL
love from Bloggergrandma Ruth
haha.. that's a really bloddy sunday u had.
i slept the whole damn sunday coz frens came down from the North, brought them for clubbing... and went for 3 clubs in one night.
is really killinm me man.... :d
So, guess what? I also have great difficulty inserting other links into my posts and now I'm hoping to learn from all the excellent advice you've received here. Also . . . I'm hoping you can do it. I'll be checking back to see how it goes. You can be my inspiration!
Sounds like you have a tough row to hoe in general; I admire your courage. Take good care yourself.
Nicole: I'm glad you got back to me, you seem a real character. (& I still envy you for living in Amsterdam. Not just because of the "free living, liberalism & drugs everyone goes on about.) I'm not sure the Dutch are actually that different from the English. I'd like to live in Holland okay! "the Netherlands" bc they're more creative & imaginative with their living solutions ... (both re social probs & floating houses)... know what I mean.???
Debs - yes Bonnie Tyler's wonderful! I've had that song going round in my head all weekend. I understand exactly why she says she never gets fed up of performing it ...
Ruth: ooer, so you saw that!!!
Cats-&-Dogs: you are 1 crazy man ...
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