WHY I have been getting blogger's block lately (not knowing quite what to post) I have no idea ... & I know that once I've pressed "publish" all ten things I've forgotten to say will jump up and accost me ... oh well.
Reading through yesterday's comments, someone remarked on the hyperlink advice I gratefully received. Maybe you didn't notice I've failed so far to actually put this into action. When I was told about "the sideways paperclip" ... I thought to myself, ah! I know that! ... now I can't find it! Can anyone tell me where it is.
Secondly, can anybody explain to me precisely what on earth a cougar is? Yes I know it's a mountain puma. But when tkkerouak declares she is "going out drinking with my cougar friends"... what is this meant to mean? I asked her & she didn't tell me; I asked Mother Hubbard and Rebsie yesterday (both of whom read loads of books):- both informed me it is a mountain puma from North America. I said yes but what is somebody's "cougar freinds"?
That means lesbians and feminists, I was (unreliably) informed ...
Can anyone cast some more meaningful light upon this topic? I'm now feeling thoroughly confused.
What other news? Well I spent a lot of yesterday and last night feeling slightly ill and horrible, suffering with borderline-withdrawal diarrhoea, sneezing, cold-type symptoms, runny nose, etc. Had a miniscule shot of gear which just about sorted me out atop the methadone dose I was relying on to "hold" me till 9am this morning ...
Then I call the dealer. He takes 90 minutes when he says he'll be 20. Had gear. Vein thankfully behaved. Then I find an entire cooked up hit in the "works", which has been lying there all weekend, whispering "take me, take me". But not loud enought to hear. Of course when I found it I was no longer sick and so not angry. But in retrospect it is faintly irritating, considering how many times I woke up last night and how horrible I felt and how many hours the slow-slow countdown seemingly always had to go ...
Well that's over & done with now. Just wait till same time next week & history has a peculiar way of repeating itself ...
Right: I'm off for a McDonald's £1.19 Double Cheeseburger. See yers later ...
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
14 hours ago
When you're writing your post; at the top of the grey frame surrounding what you are writing, it's just to the right of the T and the little coloured squares.
Hope you find it ok...if you haven't got one complain to Blogger.
Could murder a quarter pounder and cheese at the moment!
Strange you say that, I dumped the 1.19 double cheeseburger idea and went for a 1.99 quarterpounder with ....
i think a cougar is an 'older woman' who is still, um...'on the prowl', sort of speak.
fun reading..cheers.
Thanks for that APRIL. BTW WHY can't I get access to your profile? Is it pornographic or something? This has happened 2me before. You've obviously pressed the wrong button when you were setting up. Come on April because I can't get back into your blog otherwise ...
GW....just read your comment on the crockpot recipe site....when did I become an old age pensioner!!!!!!! Admittedly I was a grandmother at 38 (only 4? years older than you now)...but at the moment I am 54....
still a few years to go yet before I draw my pension
See young at heart.!!... You were probably right actually when you said you and Maqira are younger than me ... you've never seen me get up at 5am with my smoker's cough... etc, etc...
Seriously though I only assumed you were a pensioner bc you talked about grandchildren. I wouldn't have thought so otherwise ...
Have a nice day. If you're not too mortally OFFENDED...
Actually what crap am I talking here? I didn't think you were a pensioner -duh! See I get confused by my own stoopid jokes now...
No probs GW....it's been giving me quite a laugh!!! Just didn't want Sean Bean thinking he's too young to be my toy boy (exactly 7 years actually; he has the same birthday date as me)
yes gleds...a cougar is usually a bit of a maneater. And they direct their attention to younger men.
You worry too much about the writing....anything you write seems to keep us interested because you just have a way with words. So write about your hangnail for chrisssake, we'll lap it up here. off to work now, have a great day.
... ... phewwwww ..!!.. .. !! ..
Debs do you know what you posted that probably EXACTLY as I was replying to Ruth ... how bizarre (see the times ..?)
I see what cougar means... 'on the prowl' (as in lioness) ...
here we call it sharking, but that is any age after anyONE ...!
Thanks for the wonderful comments about my blog, Gledwood! I appreciate it!
And I am looking at your blog, thinking, 'Man, he wasn't kidding when he said it was different!'
I mean, I know about this stuff and I've know it's out there but I certainly haven't seen anyone blog about it firsthand. It hits you right square in the face. It's hard to read yet needs to be read to understand.
Hang in there, dude!
I wish you the best!
I thought sharking was the japanese term for sneaking up behind a girl in the street and ripping down her knickers....
"the sideways paperclip" is when you are writing a word document and you are so stoned that you slump over the desk and rest your head on the desk........... innit? or wot?
Here's a "Cougar" Wiki link:
Scroll down to "slang terms". I've learned something today. Thanks.
That's odd. The URL was cut off in the last post.
I'll do it in 2 parts here. You'll have to do a bit of copy and paste to glue it back together.
Hey, thanks for visiting Asian Drama Resource. You're right, your blog is very different, however, it is informtive. Hope you continue using ADR and I will visit your blog whenever I have the time!!!
Yeah, I've put ADR on my links on a permanent basis, I love things that are different, intriguing, unique ... and QUALITY. That's why I'm so glad I found yours...
Ron Knees Rants and Raves: where are you from? ... JAPANESE TERM FOR SNEAKING UP BEHIND A GIRL IN THE STREET AND PULLING DOWN HER KNICKERS ..-!-!!!-?-!-?-??? That is truly bizarre. Bizarre more so that it evidently happens frequently enough in their country that the Japanese feel the need of A WORD FOR IT ... that is truly frightening..!!!...
"dododoodo dododoodo"...that's the twilight zone theme song re the 16:38. Great minds think alike?
As much as I hate to admit it, I am a self professed 'cougar'. I am not old enough to fit the classic definition of "a middle-aged (or above) woman, out on the prowl looking for young (20-35 year old) men" as I am in my thirties but I definitely likey the younger man. I tend to date guys who are 9 years or so younger than me. Embarassingly enough, I was at a high school production of 'Dead Man Walking' and was sitting there with some neighbors when one looked over and said "What did you just say?" and I realized I had murmered aloud what I was thinking "Man! Guys were just not this hot when I was in school! Yummy!"
Oops! Not that young...
He he he he!
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