I HAVE SUCH AN INCREDIBLY ITCHY SAW THROTE ... actually is anyone interested ... And I don't go to doctors because anyone who goes to a doctor with a common cold is utterly wasting the poor overstretched man or woman's time. The only reason to go to a doctor with a common (uncomplicated) complaint and I'm assuming you don't have HIV or something.. would be to attain a sicknote. I had to do that at college bc I had the diarrhoea so bad I couldn't risk getting the tube ... honestly everything has to be double-confirmed on computer, on paper, on swipecard, by email, trailed outta the side of an aeroplane these days. In Tony Blair's Britain no-one can take anything at face value.
Do you know I was so happy the day Tony Blair got into power. It's not like America here. The general election is one day. Results come out that night. By next morning we have a new Prime Minister. (Well we will next time!!) And I think it's so presumptuous of Gordon Brown not even wanting to wait to get elected. I've a horrible feeling the Tories are getting in next time - yes, back to them again.
Anyhow I was thinking back to the past 9 years of 'New' Labour rule and what have they achieved. Nothing. Even less than Margaret Thatcher did. And I hardly agreed with everything she did, but somehow by the end of her reign - innumberable f-ups aside - Britain did appear to be a more advanced, less red-tape tangled country than at the beginning. Tony Blair has achieved the exact opposite. Nothing can be done in Blair's Britain that is not logged, filmed and biologically monitored.
Dismarmingly candid as he appears to be, the man is a failure of a statesman. George Bush's lapdog. Someone ought to chuck a stick in a deep, aligator-ridden pond at Camp David next time Blair's over (because I notice he always comes to Bush, or allows Condoleeza to be sent over in Bush's place. I wouldn't tolerate such insults. Bush can come here because he owes us about 500 personal visits just to make up that little deficit. I was going to say because we are superior but hey ... ..!
... Anyway... That's my opinion on that business... Anyhow, next time Blair's over Camp David someone ought to chuck a big stick in that damn alligator-ridden pond out there.
And just like any obedient lap-dog, Tony Blair will splosh in the water after it...
Hopefully never to be seen again ...
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
15 hours ago
Didn't know you could read my mind........backing you all the way on this post!!
I know. Disaster aren't they, this present lot. I honestly don't know who I loathed the most, this lot or the very, very scrag end John Major Tories ...
In politics it does not matter who gets in to power. As a great friend of mine once said:
"Du hast drei haufen scheisse. welche werdest du liebe essen?"
Von der Werner (German biker)comic books.
What the author means is:
"You have three heaps of shit, Which would you rather eat?
Don't matter what you vote for, shit happens.....
I'm glad I'm NOT into politixx: I'd be so sorely disappointed with the lot of them.
Lib-Dems bore me. Accusing the Big 2 of Punch & Judying ...
The Big 2: well they Punch & Judy ...
What choice is there these days? Between different degrees & philosophies on totalitarian liberalism? I despair! Honestly, I give up! There's no hope for this country if this is the way we're going.
And at least Margaret Thatcher, for all her manifold "foibles" DID stand up for Britain internationally. Which is more than I can imagine any of the present lot doing ...
Ron Knee you posted that the exact SECOND I posted my "name in black" (did I get my url wrong? I'll never know now ...)
& yes I agree. U R only voting in someone who's going to tell you what to do. I like the bit when they're NOT in power, like an evil genie in a bottle, pretending it only needs letting out for 5 minutes to get a leg-stretch ...
Hey, Gledwood... Yor sore throte... You bin suckin' on sandpaper today??
Ha har!
PS is this a blog or a forum?
( I just had this argument in reverse with some dried up old git on Pink Fish Media forum. th egit complained that We were posting too frequently!)
How can you post too frequently??
BTW have you seen the ants guy's blog? It's in my blogs 1 links I think ... 'find a queen ant & then you can get started' ... he advises ...
I will have a butchers....
Oh, my Ghod, Ee's orf the twig! Give 'Im a pill fer gawd's sake!
(sorry if this offends, but I am all for leaving animals of all desciptions to their own devices and that includes 'Oooman beings!)
I like Tony Blair. I remember when Tony and George Bush joined forces. We considered England our best friends.
I love the English accent.
Where's the contest you mentioned on my blog?
One post before this one.
Ummm, I guess I said the wrong thing. Not to woryy. I do tbat all the time. Tony Blair isn't popular over there George Bush isn't popular over here. There! we're even.
Tony Blair, as I said IS charismatic. And he has this disarmingly 'sensible' way of talking. Well he often IS talking sense. It's slotting all his sensefulness together that creates nonsense...
He seems to have the makings of a good if not great leader, but I don't reckon he's actually achieved very much at all ...
It seems to me when one is in a position like George or Tony, they're not very popular. Some like 'em, some don't.
Tony Blair is horribly like my ex on the 'charismatic' stakes... all charm, and able to sweet-talk, but totally ineffectual!
The only person I've ever wanted to become Prime Minister was John Smith, and he goes and dies before it gets to electing him! :-(
Oh well...as said... shit happens!
Yeah that's democracy for ya, it engenders disrespect for one's leaders ...
Annalise, yes I vaguely remember John Smith. Very brief Labour leader he was ...
I know what you mean.. Sometimes I even feel embarrassed about bringing up actual medical problems with doctors.. It's easier just to get a pill that somewhat helps and goes. At least you know what you want that way and dont cause them any trouble. But for example the clinic I'm on made me take a series of tests.. and i had a donut right before the test. So it showed my blood sugar as like diabetic high. So I should have looked into it.. But I didnt want to show my real doctor my cholesterol levels and diabetic sheet in case it was bad because i didnt want him to think i didnt eat healthy. LOL that is so neurotic!!!!
If only we could vote and change like you.
I love lame duck presidents, that take months to pardon all their friends, and push through their agenda. Good times.
my throat feels like i'm swallowing razor blades right now. but i don't go to the doctor either because i always figure i'll get sicker in the waiting room full of sickos than i actually really am.
today i took my daughter and got suckered into an appt for myself. i might call in sick and cancel though.
(our pm always makes me think of the hands in your pocket commercials. george's hand is always in stephen's pocket. he's so spineless...we need a leader, not a follower. harper's a wanna be and bush is his hero.)
Between the U.S., Brit. and Israel there is one big political twister in the wings. Hopefully 2008 will bring better politicians (was that unrealistically optomistic :)
Speaking as an American, I envy you Tony Blair, although I can certainly understand your ftrustration... at least he can actually pronounce words correctly, he doesn't walk into locked doors, and he hasn't "stepped on it" so badly that the entire world despises your country and its people for "electing" (actually, letting him steal it is a more accurate description) a certifiably insane moron... Gleds... when they throw that stick into the gator pond??? Do you think that George,Dick,Condi, and Carl might jump in too??? Ahhhh.... a girl can dream....
W.'s lap dog, indeed. That's pretty pathetic, isn't it?
Don't get me started on this one...;-)
Suffice to say, I agree!
but he does provide a laugh for the rest of the world, unfortunately, at a pretty high cost. The SNL skits are especially priceless. For me, Will Ferrell captures the essence of George - too bad W's not an idiot on his own clock...he'd be fairly entertaining.
Check it out.
GGirl what do you mean pathetic? Cliche yes : true also yes!!
Bush is the failure of the United States citizenry. We voted him into office.(not I personally) This country is seething with anger.It's as if the French Revolution were about to occur here. Unfortunately, as witnessed by the French revolution anger begets a poor revolt.
It doesn't take much to feel superior to George W.—aim your sights higher my friend.
Personally I feel the first woman President should and possibly will be Nancy Pelosi. We've got to throw him out and if he goes so must the other. She's next in line for the thrown here.
What does everyone think about Hillary Clinton?
OK... my opinion on my state senator... she's ok... BUT I'm not into political dynasties. If she were to win , we would have had a Bush or Clinton in the White House for 24 years. Even if I adored her, this would be reason enough not to vote for her. I hate the idea that we're looking more like an oligarchy with only a small ruling class. That's not my vision of a republc.
There was a really interesting thing on (BBC again!!) about should America retain it's "2-terms & you're out" presidential system? Or allow unlimited terms in office as Roosevelt enjoyed ..?..
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