I AM THINKING OF INSTITUTING A NEW HOME for my furry pinging rolly-polly puffball gremlin-lookalike pets...
As I've shown before, I do have an entire Habitrail hamster X-Cell entertainery complete with "X-treme slide" (only a frog would use it as a slide: it's a spiral staircase for hamsters) turret complete with revolving wheel (it rotates on a spindle as it trundles round and my old Siberian dwarf hammies used to use it as a nest, their bedding trailing after them like tumbleweed when they took up rambling inside... It has integral waterbottle (very posh). Most of the clips have broken (not posh and not safe). But assuming that no-one interferes with it they should not escape as the only unsafe section, a green upstairs they'd need the strength of a full-grown rat to headbut out to freedom. You've already seen an exact replica of the cage on this youtube video, but have a click if you think you've forgotten.
Only my defeatist attitude prevented me from opening it all up earlier - as it had gone to Mother Hubbs's garden shed for storage; then she needed access to the shed so I took it back. Hojja McPodge, her "other half" warned me he thought a little bit had dropped out... assuming this would mean the entire thing was unworkable I took it back and stashed it in the corner thinking it was useless and that really I should throw it away...
Well what I'm going to do is sawdust it up and put some of their favourite tubes and cardboard boxes inside... then it can be their weekend holiday home.
I need something to do otherwise I'm going to turn straight back to...
Today's videos:
Pet Shop Boys - Suburbia... all sociological, especially for my friend Ruth, who is doing further education in the subject
Pet Shop Boys - It's a Sin ~ in my opinion this is their greatest record of all...
Clickonthis for a photo that to me would look great blown up to wall-size as a modern artwork... it's from eriksnap.blogspot
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
30 minutes ago
Hi Gleds been without an internet connection for a few days looking forward to catching up....in the meantime, eyes forward and dont turn back..not today :) your worth more..be back once Ive read some more.. Auds
Cheers Gleds; I'm sure I can incorporate that into the labelling theory....meanwhile carry on writing but please no going back to you know what; you're stronger than it is!!!!
{{Mumsy type hugs}}
Gosh the Robo's are going to love that weekend home, I can imagine it would be very entertaining watching them scamper up and down those tubes and spinning that revolving wheel
The post where you wrote about your dream was intruiqing, have you checked any of the dream analysis sites. I have a few books on the subject, but they can be so complex at times.
Keep up going with the writing, wishing you the strength you need for each new day to achieve your dream. great attitude pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start all over again, much healthier than staying down..All the best x Auds
Gleds -
I am a big fan of old pet shop boys music...but they don't hold a candle to depeche mode or erasure :)
It's a sin is their best record though...for sure!
The Egel Nest
Hi Gleds, hope the Robbies are happy with their new holiday home.
I love the Pet Shop Boys, the bring back memories of a misspent...um, not exactly youth, but somewhere a little further on, if you get my drift. I'd better shut up while I'm ahead.
Hope all is well with you. Take care.
hows life going nowadays?
Hi Gleds ~~ I still have faith that you can beat this, so please Keep trying. Just get through one day, and sleep, then get through another etc.
Your pets certainly provide you with
entertainment. Keep writing !!
Kind regards, Merle.
Possibly the the position of low rung in the social order of addiction belongs to heroin because opiates are the hardest addiction to kick physically. But it has been my experience that the people I know who have kicked heroin are now the strongest, most serene and most apt to enjoy life to its fullest of ANYONE I know, regardless of having kicked an addiction or not. This tells me that it is not only entirely possible but entirely worth it. It also tells me that there is no position on any social ladder that will insure one's ability to enjoy life! (unless one wants to go through the struggle of having to kick an opiate addiction just to gain an appreciation of life—but not even the recovered opiate addict would recommend that) I agree that it seems to take a much longer time for the effects of opiates to quit working which is the stepping off point for most addicts.
For me, giving up alchahol was something I did because I had found a strong appreciation for the clarity that came with not using speed which is to say it was not a moral choice but one of what kind of experience I wanted to have in life. But that is me.
I think that once you can fully embrace how much better you will feel once you are able to stop using completely, you will believe that the hard struggle to get there is worth it. So whatever it takes to get that understanding is whatever it takes and, without exception, different for everyone. None-the-less, there is much value in the dialog with people who share the experience of that journey no matter how unique the journey is. The part that we all have in common is that we are traveling from a place of despair to one of joy.
Speaking of journeys, I am loving the nostalgic one via the Pet Shop Boys. I think they were always critics of a sort and just changed the object of their criticism from music to life. It was always even more apparent to me in their videos.
Best, WS
Hang in there Gled! I've been thinking of you most of the day and wondering how you're getting on. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
that looks like quite a set up gled.
But are you sure there are pieces missing? Let us know when you set it up. If the clips are missing, can you just put something heavy (a book?) on top to hold things down? Or use twist ties to secure things (that's what I do with my bird cage that has missing clips).
Thanks for all the messages everyone.
Just let me go home cook some cod in parsley sauce and then I'll get back to yous all here in a couple of hours.
Also I've got to do my daily writing "thang"~!!
Ruth: I am stronger than it is? That is what I keep telling myself and it should work but it doesn't always work. Let's hope it works this time tho. I am reminding myself what the last wise worker said and pointing out that these cravings are self-deception of the "that's the addict in you speaking" kinda thing...
Audrey: where have you been? Long time no hear, you hear me?!? The writing I'm doing a bit of every day. So far I am on chapter three. But these chapters are far bigger than chapters I've done in the past: ie they are about 5000 words each on average - ie about 14 printed pages whereas usually I've written 5-page chapters - 2000 words in previous books... The writing is my kind of therapy. I am trying to tell myself not to fret about "will they let it come out in hardback in the UK? I don't WANT a paperback original (as they give to most new authors) etc etc etc...
Eagle: Pet Shop Boys are VERY different to Depeche Mode tho - I mean Depeche mode sound very early 80s even though is is totally synthpop whereas the Pet Shop Boys sound late 80s and I don't think their sound has really dated that much. Their tunes don't have that heavy 80s thing going on that a lotta tunes from that time had... which has dated them not just in the sense of the production or even the open throated singing but the actual tunes themselves sound really 80s... good example A-Ha The Sun Always Shines On TV
Puss~in~Boots: Hi I left you a message this morning. Did you like my redback? Yes they loved the holiday chalet thank you! Were quite offended at having to be turfed out on Sunday night!!
Funny the Pet Shop Boys are far more popular internationally than I'd have imagined. Great stuff!!
Edyta: FINE! But sleeping too much ;->...
Merle: I'm glad someone has some belief in me... I know it's I who has to have this dreaded belief in myself because I can only do it on my own which sounds awfully lonely. But until I get that self-belief I don't know that I ever am going to effect any permanent changes, sadly ...
Does that make any sense?
Wayward: Heroin has always been in a unique position here. The first heroin addicts in this country tended to be extraordinarily posh people... who got addicted through medical treatment that I suppose is usually only given to the dying... and then they didn't die and had to be treated for the ensuing painkillers addiction (diamorphine has always been available as a medical painkiller in this country. It's only banned in America to justify "heroin has no medical uses in the United States" type war on drugs statements... Despite the grotty image, heroin still has a kind of uppercrust kudos in this country I don't think it's ever really had in America. I also hear it's more socially acceptable in Europe to use heroin than in America. Just as it's probably slightly more acceptable on the more European East Coast of the USA than the West... is there any slight grain of truth in this, do you think..??
As to what you said about the Pet Shop Boys we ALL wanted to see their film when it came out but had no access to it...
In the 1980s when they were at their peak, it was very difficult to get access to pop videos in this country unless you were one of the pretty small number of people who had cable TV or satellite. I really wanted satellite TV but it wasn't considered a priority. I was such a telly addict I judged the expanse of one's life by how many telly channels one had. I.e. satellite - with its (then) about 30 extra channels in English, 30 in German and 20 in other languages would have expanded my universe by over 7 times!!
Nicole: thanxx ;->...
I never knew you had birds! What bird(s) do you have Debs? I can hold the top green bit down with sellotape. The turret also I could probably tape down. Also the missing clip from the side really seems to make no difference and I could most probably tape where that oughtta've been also ...
I am a Pet Shop Boys freak. And I have a lot of their tracks. "It's A Sin" is among those that I especially enjoy. As well, I have a number of remixes of their stuff.
Keep up keeping up.
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