I HAD A VERY VIVID DREAM that I was living in Amsterdam and learning what I called (in the dream) my "Gibberish" (Dutch) with gusto so I could "do" the supermarket like a local ...
Ever since I was in Norwich, Norfolk, literally across the water and similarly flat with bikes everywhere and countryside full of windmills) I've had the yen to escape to Holland. Also as a child I spent a week there on family holiday. We saw plenty of the Dutch countryside. Dykes and ditches. So I have an accurate view, from experience, of what Holland is about. To me it's like England with a magic wand waved over it. I've always wanted to escape there.
Years studying German - a language so similar it is practically a dialect - mean Dutch is far from "gibberish" to me. I should still have coursebooks and tapes (somewhere) from my first "wanna be in Amsterdam" days. And I heartily disagreed with (and still do) everyone who proclaims the commonly held view that there's no point bothering with the language because "they all speak English" ...
My answer is: the newspaper and TV don't translate themselves, do they? And people only speak English when they're addressing you directly. Which means you'll get left out all the time with people talking over your head. Which I hate. But native English speakers are so used to abroad, I don't think many of them even notice it. My plan was to pretend to be Swedish with a poor command of English. That way they would have to speak to me in Dutch ...
Anyway all that was back in the days of dark depression. I was due to go to Berlin for a year as part of my uni course. Berlin! One city I've always wanted to go more than anywhere except for perhaps New York City (and Amsterdam, but Amsterdam kind of came along later ...) But I was in no fit state to go there. So why should Holland be any different?
Anyway, that was my dream. I somehow managed to sleep from about 9 at night till midday today. 15 hours. Now that is sleep!
IT'S WARM AND MUGGY today. Yesterday we had thunderstorms. Which I got stuck in. I had that strange feeling you get when lightning's in the air (if you are about to get struck, so I hear, you really feel it - your hair literally does stand on end). Monsoon-style rain beat the pavements and when the lightning came it was only a second away from us - a real tree-feller of a strike.
Unfortunately we don't get American or African-style storms where the lightning lights up the entire horizon like trees. Ours comes more in horror-film craggy forks.
Once, not long ago, a tree got struck about two roads from me. The thunder literally tore the air open and the lightning at the same time flickered in a bright streak through my closed eyelids and through closed curtains. The air, split in two, took ages to rumblingly roll back together amid grand electrical buzzings.
The best thunderstorm of my life I remember from Hatfield. We were in a modern townhouse with panoramic views of town from our first-floor livingroom. My Mum had left us by this time and I stayed up with my Dad watching this storm all night. One particular strike seemed to light up the entire sky in three sections then came down like the biggest stack of bricks you could ever imagine. Another one I actually saw hit the lightning conductor on an office block across the way. The entire horizon was flickering as if someone upstairs was trying to turn on a failed fluorescent tube.
Then it started hailing in golfball-sized lumps. The hail was even harder than my dumplings ... just kidding....
But it was one hell of a performance by the "Powers that Be" ...
Blog of the Day Awards say I have won! Wow!!
A WOMAN WILL TRY AND DOMINATE A MAN. She will try and get away with it. But realy, inside herself, she wants to be dominated. She wants the man to take her. If he does lean on her, everything goes slightly off key, like a bad chord. She hopes it will pass, that the guy will come through. When he doesn't she begins to needle him. If nothing happens she goes on needling - until he stops listening. At that moment she becomes bitter and he goes deaf. Finally there is no more dialogue, they have no rapport.
- Elizabeth Taylor
A little break
My plan to go for a walk before visiting Husband this morning was scuppered
when I looked out of the window and saw the pouring rain. The second part
of ...
11 hours ago
Congratulations Gledwood a well deserved award..Its years since I last saw lightning, but your post brought back memories of when I was a child growing up in the country, no artificial lighting so the storms were very impressive in the dark skies.As you say one hell of a performance by the powers that be..something I love to watch
Enjoy your award Gledwood :)
Gratz on the award dude, that's pretty neat :-)
Lightning? We had a recordbreaking amount of lightning here last friday or the one before with 80000 registered charges of which 10% (8000) hit the ground. This was in ONE day...
Ciao amico mio!
Scusa se sono scomparsa, sono stata nel deserto (e sono ancora lì)
Mi farò sentire presto,
Un bacio!
Congratulations on your win, Gleds. I'm not surprised, you have a great blog.
I love thunderstorms and we get some beauties here in Australia. The sound and light show from Above is very entertaining, hellishly scary to some. Not surprising really, because there is often a lot of destruction... floods, cars damaged with huge hailstones, roofs off, trees uprooted and people inconvenienced in general.
My grandson goes to live in Holland in August. His fiancee lives there and they'll be living 45 mins out of Amsterdam. Gotta save up for a wedding outfit now, plus the airfare.
Have a good day and once again, you deserve to win.
I remember summer nights in late August at the beach in Northern Florida (The Gulf of Mexico) where the sky would light like a disco with heat lightening. Not a drop of rain in sight, though the humidity was so thick one could cut it with a knife.
I'm terrified of lightning. The stuff that lights up the sky is sheet lightning and it scares me the most, although it doesn't pose a threat to us here on the ground. It just makes you feel very small and powerless.
I remember a few years back, we were sitting around in the living room when lightning struck the transformer outside...it honestly sounded like a bomb and we all hit the ground, terrified.
Hi Gledwood
Well done for winning the Blog award! Yeh!
We had a terrifying storm the other day. It was horrendous. I felt very afraid. Its grey dark and rainy today just the right weather for depression or singing along to the Smiths.
sadgirl x
Congrats Gled!
Elizabeth Taylor is an idiot. She was an extraordinarily beautiful woman, but an idiot when it came to men.
My dad got hit by lightening twice. Isn't that bizarre? Didn't die either time.
German. Not a particularly mellifluous language. I took French and Hebrew in college. Yes, they've been infinitely useful, since I live near the Mexican border, not Israel or France.
thanks everyone...
that elizabeth taylor biog that i trawled the quote out of i found in our local public library
it's by j randy taraborelli - a noted biographer by now
the cover showed ridiculously over-tinted purple eyes (her eyes are "violet" I've never heard such poppycock in my life they are plain old BLUE
the book is obviously the work of a fan
ie no bloated modern pixx
and v little critical reprimanding of her life or films
interestingly it does say she is worth about $600 million
with approx $100 million in bank a/cs in cash
and another
$240 million in unliquidated shares
she earns approx $12 million p.a. from her perfume business
the rest of the money is tied up in properties (she has 6 "residences" (the author really gets into this B.S. language as well) including a chelsea townhouse, gstaad challet (not like the ones i've stayed in in butlins i bet) & so on & so on ...
elizabeth taylor i'm bored of already
Audrey: I know isn't it fantastic
Vincent: how do you KNOW these stats?
Istanbul: gracias/ciao/etc (!!)
Puss:do you get the "tree lightning" I was talking about?
Wayward: wow! I'd love to see that
Debs: sheet lightning we get a lotta. but our fork lightning's not as impressive probably as the Canadian lightning. like I said, no sky-filling "trees" just gnarled old horror-film "forks" (but the sound's way more impressive than that awful cat sound-effect they put in horrour-films) ...
Sadgirl: doesn't thunder and lightning and deluge ever make you feel "high"? Even just a little bit? The ions go nuts at times like this. Far as I'm aware "negative" ions make us feel positive (ie uplifted). Dunno what if anything "positive" ions do ..?...
If you like thunderstorms, then the Southwestern US is where you need to be (during our "monsoon season" - July-September). We have some truly amazing shows!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. And congratulations on your awards. I like your writing!
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