BEWARE: THIS IS A COOKING POST. This is the last time I'll talk about stew in any detail. I promise. I'm just too knackered to think of anything else ...
O I'M ALMOST TOO TIRED TO POST; was almost too tired to log in (why did I come up with such complexicated usernames/passwords don't ask me I'm too tired) in this haze ... of bygone daze ... I'm not high ... blue is the sky ... I'm just tired ... very tired ... what rhymes with tired? Just about nothing useful so I'll drop the versification.
Been cooking beef stew (what's new?).
Got my kilo of annoyingly tinily cubed beef (well it annoyed the butcher & he took ages dicing it) ... then spied Mr Brown's Jamaican curry spices at £1 a 150g pop so I went for that and had a go at cooking my old way which is add spices directly to oil and brown beef in curryspice. This worked a treat and is definitely worth doing, I can now vouch. Tiny diddy baby potatoes, loads of okkra (gumbo to you Yanxx), courgettes (zucchini/zuchini/whateverIdon't even know how2 pronounce that word), 2 old sprouting carrots (but still edible - well (duh!) I wouldn't have... wotevea... urm. What else? O, this is always fried first ie the meat (in curry spices) then meat removed and garlic and onions added - onions! that was it!! - then mushrooms then the courgettes/zuchini if you can be bothered. But you cook it in a slow cooker or big saucepan over low/medium heat for 2-3 hours (I always do 3) herbs go on the chopped tomatoes. I use celery salt instead of boring normal salt. My Maggi "liquid seasoning" made an appearance today. When I summon the energy I'm off to get either dumpling mix or self-raising flower uh? flour and I might even be totally sacreligious and try and make 'em with marge rather than Attora suet. Well I think I've given enough details yet again as if anyone wants 3 versions of the same stew recipe but trust me it does come out genius. And I'm more inclined to like the cookery of others, not my own. So the fact that my stew is superior to all others testifies that despite lifelong self-esteem issues I can actually cook if I can't do nothing else.
gotta get dumplings
is this like Ulysees? A stream of crap?
Sorry consciousness. Only speaking for myself.
Do you know I did actually write out the beginnings of a poast for today but am too weary to be bothered tidying it up for "publication" ...
so there I'll leave you.
If you want a blog recommendation: this one seems to be written by an eight year old Portuguese boy (it's not in English but the photos speak for themselves). OK! Bye!
O my brains!
A little break
My plan to go for a walk before visiting Husband this morning was scuppered
when I looked out of the window and saw the pouring rain. The second part
of ...
11 hours ago
Was my post really so boring? It feels very boring and repetitious
note to self: do not leave stupid messages up again
i thought a real human being had actually read that post and replied just then
oh my! that is so very funny! hehehe tricking urself and getting all excited for nothing eh?!
I am never tired of cooking posts!
coooking postssss! me likes! (when someone else cooks for me, that is :D) hehe!
Gleds! I am ~1,73, if u needed to know. now seriously, why did u wanna know? :D i have no idea
Because over that height you can be a MODEL!
if u r at all interested in that you should find out about it now
why not?
Naomi: I don't get that ..??...??...??
Nicole: not even beef stew three times?
Words to rhyme with tired;
fired, hired, retired, wired, acquired, admired, conspired, desired, inquired, inspired, rehired, required, rewired, transpired,unexpired, uninspired
Tired myself now!
i must've been tired!
got into a silly spat with someone called ether bunny on raymi's blog. i will tell the details tomorrow
but this:
is url for a map of new york state including toronto
uninspired (to rhyme with tired). Wired.
I love the way you describe your stews...not boring at all. You have a way with words that makes it all sound good.
Zoo-kee-nee. That's how we say it.
And I've seen Maggie's over here.
Hi Gledwood! Sorry I've not posted here in awile. Despite being vegetarian your meal sounds very yummy. I'm gonna try adding my spices right into the frying oil. Hope you are well! I'm gonna keep reading and see what else you've been up to!
might try your beef stew. we don't cook beef stew a lot here, only sinigang(sour soup)
Hi there !
Thanks for coming on my blog earlier... now can you please teach me Cantonese ? ;)
Cooking post. I'm starving. How did you read my mind ??? Only thing is, my chances to find jamaican spices in Ottawa at 10 pm are very thin is non-existent. And I don't like meat that much anyway.
Mind if I stick to Nutella ? ;)
knackered, tired, exhausted, burnt, drained, weary, beat, worn-out, shot, run-down, spent, done in, outta gas, prostrated, frazzled, etc.
dood, i'm tired too.
I would love if you insist on Vegetarian Cooking
hi everyone... lots of vegetarians out there... used to cook vegetarian stews for years now I'm hooked on beef I'm afraid!
My mouths watering, so if your to tired to eat it shove the plate over here...
i'd email it to you if only it didn't come out sploshed everywhere the other end ...
Hi Gleds; with all you new cooking skills you may like this site.
Ta Ruth: if it's any good I'll add it to my cookery links
o wow I like this. This will be my recommendation of the day!
You can't use marg; you must use Atora! Dumplings made with marg are rubbish!
I didn't know okra was gumbo.
Sounds really good and yummy. Must go eat.
Sarah: I got the spices in oil tip from an Indian. Only thing is you must keep oil to a medium heat otherwise spices burn. But even if you do use high heat and spices do burn a bit it's ok probably they just go a bit weaker. I think it gets the spices more into the mix, esp if you're frying onions or even more so with mushrooms that just sop up frying oil
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