I'VE VERY LITTLE TIME to post to I'll make this brief: more stew (neck of lamb), Enid's gone to the Turkish lady in the corner shop who wants to learn more English. And glancing upon my burgeoning cupboard this evening I caught sight of something I found in a local alleyway many months ago but lacked the requisite electrical adaptor ... checked the back of this thing and the front of my tiny-TV adaptor and -- presto! -- the wonders of synthesized music boom out for my entire building to hear! I've so far inflicted Ave Maria (from the stored songs catalogue) at top blast 180 bpms, Jingle Bells and Silent Night. Other classics coming soon to divest Laundretta and Matran of their undeserved sleepy mellow afternoons!
Back tomorrow
PS In response to Bag's remark: the Blyton book I found and it just grabbed me ... the music didn't come from a cd player or radio it was the preset tunes in a Casio synthesizer!
Word of the day
Something on Janie's blog reminded me about this rather wonderful Word of
the Day.
1 day ago
Evil Spock is glad that we're not neighbors.
for more reasons than one!!
Strange choice of music and reading material.
I've not read Enid Blyton for a long long time. Her Five series was the first set I collected.
I only found this book by chance ... I've had such ill-luck concentrating on anything yet that somehow grabbed me ...
the music wasn't coming from a radio/cd player that was a synthesizer with pre-set tunes!
Hello, Gledwood. It's me from Sicily! This looks like a great blog and I like your honesty in your profile. I'll be back tomorrow. Meanwhile, I think your music choices are classy.
I prefer lamb stew to beef stew...Silent Night & Jingle Bells!!! don't make me think about Christmas...haven't paid for the last one yet!...LOL
Hi Gledwood ~~ Thanks for your message. I see some of my friends have commented - Robyn and Lee and even my brother Peter.
Glad to hear that the ICE message is getting across for cell phones and
hope yours continues to work. I have
never owned one. Take care, Regards,
You have a lovely blog, well catch up with the rest of the reading later date.
Plenty of links of other fellow aussies also if your interested.
Have a great week, and c u around.
thank you for your kind words and visit. I had bowel cancer 3 years ago and had major surgery to remove part of my bowel.
Wow im glad im not next door with your loud music playing, all my kids had Enid Blyton books.
hi Gled...haven't been around much. It's been so beautiful out so I've been out and about after work. I see I've got a lot of catching up to do here.
Those electronic keyboards can be a lot of fun. Funny, I scared away someone with my headphones of all things...I posted about it.
Have a good day my friend, going to get caught up on what you've been doing.
i don't normally play loud music
in fact it was me who got brahms's lullaby round and round and round at 4am
but it did its job
i could barely move to get up at 1030 this morn
The only thing possibly worse than a synthesizer is a banjo.
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