02:58 I've been up since just after 1am, meaning not much more than an hour or so's sleep. I need sleep (far as I understand it) not to set myself off more. Here are some lovely garage links for those into parking cars... the music [of today] is more reminiscent of the rave music of my youth, with a funkier beat on top. Quite good really. I prefer a lot of the newer stuff to the classic garage I've been posting up. If I can find a good tune or two I'll post it up.
GARAGE: this is the station I'm listening. With these things it's usually the later the better. When I woke up at midnight it was pssssht-ta-clonking pleasantly ~ Love FM Live
Melody here's that other garage track I was telling you about. I prefer the no-video version .... this classic track from the mid 90s doesn't have that rave-sound I'm talking about that's new; this is old
this is a funkier pirate radio edit, note the lovely authentic needle jump at the beginning!
bizarre track, excellent video "be careful if photosensitive epileptic!"
i love this
Old techno from the hardcore rave era. I used to love this: the quotes are from Shakespeare's King Lear
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
16 hours ago
hello good morning y'all it's 4am whacha doing you lazy lot!!
comen on north america is 5-8 hours behind is giving NO EXCUSE for no slew of comments about these obscure british tunes!
hey i feel all normal ~ faintly boring ~ today. ukkkk!!!
how terrible can it be getting WELL!
(getting depressed more like, let's be frank)
When I cannot sleep I read and wait until a fall asleep. If I don't then I continue to read until I want to get up. You get only upset if you try to sleep and it doesn't work.
I have been doing Scrabble, as you know. Maybe start playing a public game or two. Reading is good too when I can't sleep. Do they have 24 hr. NA meetings there? I am up and about. But it is a luxury to not have to be up at 0530.
good luck with the shrink today.btw why shrink? sorry dont mean why you seeing one just wondered why idiots like me use the word shrink for a head doctor?shall i attempt to spell pyschiatrist.well that actually looks right!anyway gotta go get kids from school.bye,lynn.
Gattina: that's why I'm up like a lark at 2am, not trying to sleep for anyone. I can only read what I already know, or something short. So I've been reading the NA Basic text 6th ed. The stories are different from the 5th ed. Full of Eskimos and Saudi Arabians and English people whereas the 5th ed was just 1960s Americans! I read their Big Book for the stories, love 'em.
Syd: they have meetings around 7am and ones in the late evening. How typically backward and British NOT to have 24 hour ones. I'd go. I'd like to go to one online but this computer thinks I'm under 18 so it won't let me!
Lynn: why go to a psychiatrist? I hope I spelled that properly? I went to see my worker last week and was off my nut. I just thought I was slightly hyper. I was very hyper and ended up down a mental hospital getting assessed (nothing to do with being let in, it was so they had actually seen me in that state). Usually I get depressed. I remember blogging other stuff to do with my "mental health" that wasn't just plain depression but unless those professionals see it you won't get the right treatment. I can't take antidepressants, they make me speed off my head, which is not what they're meant to do and last time I crashed horribly while still on them. Whatever the hell this is it needs fixing.
did you see the doc today-any good?
loving the garage i'd forgotten about 'it's a london thing'
love it :)
how did it go with the doc?it was today you had an appointment or have i got that wrong.anyway hope your ok .?lynn
Hi Gled,
I like your music!
Hope all is well.
HI. hope all ok.
just passing by with 1000 things 2 do.
logged in 2 c how u got on.
hoping no news is good news
(as they say)
but my natural pessimism
(& cynicism towards drs etc)
keeps suggesting otherwise.
will look in again soon when got cubs and pup fed and sorted.
The dr is today Thursday. I did have an appointment yesterday but everything got confused, so it's today.
I keep wondering what the hell I'm meant to say. I won't indulge that as it's a waste of energy. So I'm pouring energy into cooking. Cleaning.
As well as blogging.
And going to endless appointments and meetings.
If I've missed any major point here I will come back to it. I'm going to read through my comments carefully later on and answer any Missed Things
now I have to rush! As in running
done enough Mental Rushing for... quite a while
though it was v nice
and FAR better than being depressed
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