I WOKE UP THIS MORNING WITH BREAKFAST TV ON and thought I wasn't not not no tired yes no what/whocaresidontknow i keep forgetting things this computer has only been on 3 hours, already 12 screeens with youtubes loaded everywhere and bits in bits and pieces running roundound round round round like atoms, like the solar system in 3D. Round and round really quickly and good and 2 black coffees no drink 2 lines of the best coke you can possibly get from that coffee doesn't it come from Bolivia?Peru/Colombia ANYWAY NO WONDER YOU DRUG SMUGGLING FUCKERS YOU'RE PUTTING COKE IN MY COFFEE how does it work by mouth i have no idea akh this is what i am thinking this is what is happening hello HELLO HELLO HI HI HIGH HIGHER AND EVERN HIGHER HI HI HI EVERYONE HELLO
Got to GO
to be mentalistized in front of people methaodne
gotta go
no no KNOW got to go
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
6 minutes ago
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