Those black bears are barely any bigger than a domestic dog! They're tiny.
Now I must go. I ate an Iceland steak pie and I'm in a bad mood.
HAMSTERS & HEROIN: Not all junkies are purse-snatching grandmother-killing psychos. I'm keeping this blog to bear witness to that fact.
You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat |
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You Are a Chocolate Cake |
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I didn't eat a steak pie but I am also in a bad mood ! It rains now ! after all that snow ! I think I have to imigrate to Australia with the cats of course !
LMFAO. that is all. oh, and also, it really isn't right on any level not to live with a "proper brown bear" -- a teddy bear, if you will, if one is going to go stark raving and live with a bear at all.
I'm in an okay mood. It's nearly lunch time. That helps. Laugh.
I heard that the brown bears are more prone to attack humans than black bears.
Love you.
I am always in a bad mood from 9-5pm. Bears are freakin' scary. I was up at our cabin and a black bear was under the structure scratching itself on the foundation underneath. The whole cabin shook like you wouldn't believe. My worst fear is being mauled by a grizzly. If you ever get the chance watch the doc on Timothy Treadwell, he's the nutter that lived with wild grizzlies in Alaska - funny enough one eventually attacked and killed him. It's called Grizzly Man.
Gattina: ah! But were you THINKING ABOUT eating a steak pie..? Especially Icelalnd's own. THAT should be enough to put you in a bad mood all day!!!
Tatyana: what on earth's LMFAO? I want to live with a grizzly. I shall feed it 10,000mg diazepam daily. Then it will be in a good mood and love me.
SB: that's because browon grizzlies are far superior to black bears. A male black bear might weigh barely 300lbs. A male grizzly can easily surpass 500lbs... even up to 800lbs. See how superior they are. Also grizzly bears are teddybears, they look better and their furrier. Hence they are superior ;-)
Get one as a pet. Please. I'll look after it when you're on vacation having traction, skin-grafts, limbs re-attached... etc :-)
Reenz: "bears are scary?" no wonder! You're talking about half-arsed BLACK bears. GRIZZLIES are the proper type of bear. Those are real-life teddybears. Go up to one and punch it and watch it smile benevolently back at you!
PS you do realize at least one of those "bear men" had untreated bipolar. Just watch the way he rants away and you'll see hypomania pure and clear, hahahaha.
I'd rather be hypomanic and killed by a bear than depressed and live till age 95... wouldn't you??!?
How about pandas?
I'm still thinking of that Full Moon party.I could sure use a nice girl rubbing up against my back.
Back in the day you know I was so naïve. I remember this muscly guy asking me to massage his back. Now on Ecstasy there is nothing necessarily sexual about this, but to some folks there is. E was never a sex-drug to me. I naturally assumed the experience of others mirrored my own. To me, E was a dance drug...
What I do remember was chasing these knots of tension up up across the shoulders and away. Maybe I ought to be a massage therapist; I was quite good at it. And I never saw anything sexual in the procedure. Perhaps he did. I didn't. Am I naïve or not? Who noze..??
Gledwood can be rather slow and THICK sometimes y'know. For all my powers of pereception and amazingness (I'm a pretty good judge of character, yet like everyone else I'm far from infallible) ... I can be very slow at times... very slow indeed!!
Taff: sorry I missed your point about pandas. Yeah they're lovely bears. My old hammy was called Pandable after his big poppy black eyes.
I once saw a Youtube of a panda attacking an unwitting idiot specttor at a zoo. This guy had gone and ventured too near the bars. Single bars so the panda could reach right through.
It looked just like a man in a panda suit going nuts. Nothing at all like a docile black and white big-eyed panda!
I'll look up the film for Furry Friday/Saturdy if you like. There's another Panda film I'd love to post up too... you'll see what I mean at midnight London time going into Saturday :-)
We saw bears in the wild when we were in Canada. It was fab! they do make you want to cuddle them ...
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